Tag: Ron Paul is running again 2012

Libertarians, listen up.

Libertarians, listen up.

I’ve given a lot of thought to the “Libertarian” viewpoint. I usually do when Ron Paul’s name comes up. I’m sure it’s purely coincidental that its only around election time…


I’ve heard Ron Paul’s view on our Military, our liberty, our nations spending spree and while I agree with Paul on his spending spree sentiments I have a real problem with his “Liberty” views as well as some of his “Military industrial complex” beliefs.


Let’s start with his “American Liberty” views:

Ron Paul is of the mindset that making drugs legal would reduce the costs to the nation because we’d quit housing drug users/dealers in our prisons and we could then tax the product, which would increase Government revenue. Now, I’m not saying that’s a moonbat approach but I will say it’s dumber than dirt.


I think Ron Paul would have been great to have in power back in the early days of America. If  he would have stayed in power through the 1900’s, perhaps his views might not have been seen as so ridiculous. The problem is the genie will not go back in the bottle easily.


The biggest problem with Ron Paul’s position on “Freedom” is there are too many Americans that can’t handle TRUE Liberty. And unless you are willing to outlaw the ACLU and the entire judicial system for about 20 years, Ron Paul’s “vision” is unrealistic. Ron Paul’s entire structure of America revolves around letting people do what they want to do as long as it doesn’t affect OTHERS, but he doesn’t expound about his plan to deal with those who infringe on OTHERS rights.


A simple analogy. A guy up river from you dumps his waste in the river, that’s your drinking water, how do you feel about your neighbors rights to use the river?


What you don’t hear from Ron Paul is consequences. The consequences for actions that step on the rights of others is a big issue with me. For example: If you’re dumb enough to want to sit out on the street and shoot heroin, fine be my guest. It’s called thinning the herd as far as I’m concerned. BUT what about the businesses on that street? What about the home values in the area? What about the kids that have to walk by that idiot on the way to school? What about the crimes this guy commits to get his drugs? Do the people in the area not have rights too? Where do you draw the line?

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