Tag: Republicans shut down the government

Media and Polls say Republican are to Blame

Media and Polls say Republican are to Blame

Well, here’s my take on the Mainstream Media’s assertion that Republicans are getting the blame for the shut down. They are citing “Polls” as their reasons for reporting it.

The very same “polls” said Romney would win in 2012 by 5 points. Romney lost as we all know.

The very same “polls” said that if the Sequester was implemented the economy, the stock market would collapse and Republicans would be blamed. The sequester actually lowered the unemployment rate and stalled the debt. The stock market has had their best year in 6 years.

So when the media and Democrats warn Republicans that they will lose seats if they don’t cave in to Dear Leader’s demands, there’s history that shows it’s a scare tactic.

However; IF the republicans DO CAVE I can guarantee that 2014 will be a disaster for the GOP.