Tag: Republicans are the bad guys

Boehner Responds to Obama

Boehner Responds to Obama

I don’t have a warm fuzzy feeling about Speaker Boehner not caving to the pressure from the bully pulpit. He’s caved once already and got NOTHING for it.

What is different this time? Well, it seems our congress critters (The Freshmen) are united in their stance of NO TAXES. However; We’ve all seen that a “Fee” isn’t a tax (At least in California) so what do you think happens next?

Let me help, this will be the media’s reporting of the debt negotiations:

You, the right wing extremists want old people to die in the streets, you want the mentally challenged to be wandering in the desert, you want kids to be uneducated, you want the poor to be homeless, you want the homeless to die…. It’s YOU the evil republicans that are heartless heathens.

Now, hearing that when you are in control of the debate is not helpful. When the media pounds that down the throats of Americans it brings out the mother instinct in many. I challenge ALL of you to fight that urge. I challenge all of you to look at the truth not the spin.

The truth is the Republicans want JOBS for Americans. WE want EVERYONE ABLE to contribute to this nation. We EXPECT every able bodied American to contribute to our economy and our nation. We want people that have paid into the system to have a system they paid into when they need it. We expect responsible government and we expect our leaders to make decisions based on facts not on spin.

We the PEOPLE want to care for those who CAN NOT care for themselves. We don’t want to create nor support ANYONE that by their choices have become a drain on our nation. WE want Americans to WORK for a better future, NOT depend on a government for that future. We have NO Responsibility to care for welfare for life families, illegal immigrants, drug users, criminals or any other slug in our society. WE the people demand a change from “Dependence” to INDEPENDENCE!

We want our nation to thrive because of our work ethic, abilities, drive and desire for better. Not to be held back by our “Desire for free stuff”

The biggest drain on our debt is about to be the latest FREE STUFF Obama has put on us. OBAMACARE! Not one mention in either press conference about this ridiculous program that is killing jobs on an epic scale.

9.2% unemployment is draining our debt. Those are TAXPAYERS that are not contributing because of DEMOCRAT POLICIES. IF those people were working our revenues would be up. PERIOD.