Tag: Ratigan

Jim Rogers on The Ratigan show

Jim Rogers on The Ratigan show

Protect yourself:

Video from Free North Carolina


Good interview but the part where Ratigan says ” We have to break the 40% campaign contribution from banks to Politicians” got me thinking.

I don’t care WHO or WHERE money comes from for a politician. IF we don’t ask questions, if the media doesn’t investigate, if We the People don’t educate ourselves about the problems of the nation. The money from special interests will propel a politician to office. IF we DO and the MEDIA does it’s job, the money doesn’t matter.

We ended up with Obama because ONE station was investigated the rest were carrying his water. We end up with countless LOSERS in every state because of the media’s lack of investigation EXCEPT on the opposition of their agenda. (See California and New York for living examples)

The MEDIA is responsible for this nations ills more than most. WE the PEOPLE are as complicit for not holding them accountable. WE the PEOPLE have failed in our job to protect what our founders gave us. WE the PEOPLE continue to patronize the same media entities that gave us Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

WE the PEOPLE better get enlightened QUICK or we will be WE the SLAVES.