Tag: Racism dividing the tea party

WAR in the Tea Party?

WAR in the Tea Party?

War in the tea party may have begun but I caution folks…We will all VOTE the same way no matter what happens in the so-called “WAR”…

Bad blood among Tea Party groups: national Tea Party groups point fingers at egotistical rivals

“The man is a disgusting, vile, racist, pig…I don’t stand with people like that,” said Tea Party Patriots national coordinator Mark Meckler, when asked about Mark Williams of the Tea Party Express.

But Meckler’s disgust, coming on the heels of Williams being harshly criticized for writing racially insensitive material on his blog about the NAACP, is not just personal.

“It’s a fake,” he said of the Tea Party Express’ organization. “They’re fake. They’re part of the Republican establishment.”

And Williams isn’t a big fan of Meckler either.

“I loved the guy until I found out that he was an opportunist out looking to cash in on sincere peoples’ fears about their nation,” Williams told The Daily Caller by e-mail. “He loved me until he realized that I knew what he is.”

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of local conservative grassroots groups out there. But of the largest national Tea Party groups who are most often mentioned in the media — the Tea Party Express, the Tea Party Patriots, the Tea Party Nation and the Tea Party Federation — the bad blood is flowing.

So the playbook was followed and the tea party faithful are too STUPID to see what was happening. We talked about it during the beginning of the movement. The liberals and their media lackies would use a divide and conquer tactic along with the racist moniker to try and destroy the movement….Well done idiots, you followed the liberal war plan to the letter…

Although I’m disappointed in the events, I also know that no matter what happens those in the tea party are going to vote out RINO’s and that will not be stopped. The members of the tea party will not stop being engaged because of this, and they certainly will not vote liberal…SO Tea Party, get your heads out of your asses and quit playing by the liberpukes playbook….