Tag: Population

Immigration Data and Facts.

Immigration Data and Facts.

I was up late and decided to do some stumbling around the interweb, I found something that was very interesting and it may spark some debate among those of differing opinions.

The Video is 10 minutes in length and If you haven’t seen it I suggest you take the time to view it in it’s entirety. It is eye opening and explained very well using FACTS, not opinions.

After watching the video I thought: The guy never mentioned ILLEGAL Immigration, IF those charts are from LEGAL Immigration, they are sorely under-estimated.

I am a proponent of LEGAL Immigration. I believe that if you can get here, knock on the door, and allow the country you desire to enter, the courtesy of knowing the who/what/where and WHY you are coming here, WE as a nation should welcome you.

IF you Run/jump/swim or parachute in through the back door you should be housed in a criminal facility until we finger print, photograph and record your DNA, then deport you.

The video explains the real issue without a racism twist, those that see racism in the video should look inside to see the real racists. The man is using data arrive at conclusions, he is using the same data the US Government uses. There is no way to count the ILLEGAL part of the Immigration issue.

How long does this continue? When will our “Leaders” wake up to the real problem?

I honestly believe that we need to continue the LEGAL Immigration policies, maybe we need to be more selective, but I think closing the door is NOT the American thing to do. We are all Immigrants, but we need to be careful not to over fill the life boat, or the life boat sinks, then what?