Tag: Occupy Wall Street losers

Occupy Wall Street..Major FAIL…

Occupy Wall Street..Major FAIL…

You gotta love the OWS folks, they keep providing fodder for our enjoyment. But this post is is more about the Republicans in office during this temper tantrum.

Peter King and a few other R’s have decided to comment on the OWS morons in the street. I have a message to the Republicans:

To ALL Republicans in DC and elsewhere: SHUT UP about OWS!. Don’t mention OWS, don’t comment on them, don’t even acknowledge their temper tantrum in anyway. That sets you apart from the DEMOCRATS during the Tea party rallies. It also will set you up as the adult in the room. Let us, the new media, the FAIR media and the State run media fight out the actions. Let us handle it, you stay away from it. GOT IT?

What a ZERO COMMENT by Republicans does is; It sets you up as the parent. Parents (Good parents) when their kids throw a temper tantrum, they don’t feed it, they don’t give in, they IGNORE IT. Try it and believe me, it will help in the long run.

The Tea party is firmly on the high ground and the longer the OWS idiots protests, the more people are seeing what leftist ideologies breed. MORE and MORE people are moving away from the OWS street fair and moving back to American ideals. Maybe there’s a use for OWS, alternatives are great ways to move people. Right now we have OWS vs Tea Party… The battle is on.. Oooops it’s already over. Tea Party wins in a KO first round…