Tag: Obamatax

Thanks SCOTUS ObamaTAX is a go.

Thanks SCOTUS ObamaTAX is a go.

Well I guess I was wrong in my previous post. Justice Roberts? WOW. Didn’t see that coming. But hey, we are no longer the America we grew up in. We’re in the death throws by our own hands.

Roberts sided with the liberal crew who rubber stamp anything that Obama wants. Good call there Chief Justice. Thanks bud.

So here’s the deal. Roberts made it a TAX so if WE the people can keep the house with TRUE CONSERVATIVES we can defund this POS liberal law. Not real optimistic. But it better get done or this nation is done. Romney can’t save it Reagan himself couldn’t save it.

All I got left to say is America, it has been a nice run. The world will miss you in a short time frame. Stock up on precious metals and the means to expel them in high rates of speed. It’s going to get ugly real soon.