Tag: Obama’s inaction is priceless

The Job is too much for Obama

The Job is too much for Obama

I found this little gem at “Socialism is not the Answer

issues Which are Above Obama’s Pay Grade

In August of 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama was asked at what point a baby gets “human rights.”

Obama, who is passionately anti-life when it comes to innocent, unborn life sidestepped the issue by saying “… whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity … is above my pay grade.”
As it turns out, much to the chagrin of the American people, Barack Hussein Obama has a lengthy list of issues which are above his pay grade.

As of March 13, 2011, the issues and problems that are above the pay grade of Barack Hussein Obama include:

( ) American history

( )The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights

( ) Foreign affairs and policies

( ) U.S. military principles and policies

( ) War on terror

( ) Rudimentary economic principles and fiscal management

( ) Higher education

( ) Health care and the U.S. Constitution

There is more HERE

And the author is correct. He makes some very excellent points. the funny thing (Not so funny now) is WE all knew what kind of POTUS we were going to get if Obama won in 08. We all knew it, and WE voted the socialist in anyway, thinking he had to be better than GWB… NOW? GWB looks like George Washington and Ronald Reagan all rolled up in one.

Granted the GOP didn’t give us much of choice in the matter, but the real damage was caused by the media. The media HID, LIED and deceived the nations weak minded in order to push a liberal agenda. WE all warned people that Obama was not the one we wanted on the other end of phone call at 3am. We all KNEW the type of leader Obama was but it was hidden or WORSE called WRONG and RACIST to point it out.

Obama is voting present ON EVERY ISSUE NOW. He has waited so long to act in Libya a no-fly zone is like pissing into the wind. He has done NOTHING a good leader would do in a crisis. In a crisis your ideology, your belief structure is called into action. IF you are a Christian, you are going to act in a way that JESUS would. WWJD. IF you are a Liberal, you act accordingly. Obama hasn’t even done that. A liberal even the most staunch liberals would have acted one way or the other in Wisconsin, in Libya, in Japan, In Egypt, In Unemployment and the list goes on. They wouldn’t wait till the political winds blow in a certain direction before action. They would act in accordance with their beliefs. Obama even fails there.

People criticized GWB for acting too fast on some issues, NOT fast enough on others. I have to imagine Obama being in office when Katrina hit NOLA. Folks used to say Obama would have handled it better. After the last 2 years of Obama do you really believe that now?