Tag: Obama’s Chamberlain moment.

John Kerry, Obama and Iran..

John Kerry, Obama and Iran..

Did you ever really wonder if Barack Hussein Obama held Middle East muslims in a higher regard than Americans or Israeli’s? I didn’t. Here’s a little test:

What does a liberal pretender to the throne like Barack Obama do when an American preacher is held in Iran for political gain? First he demands his release through the media, then he removes sanctions and allows the hostage takers to continue making a nuclear weapon. That’ll teach em.. Oh, and the preacher is still in custody.

This “Deal” Iran got is great for Iran, it’s a disaster in the making for the world. This deal is tantamount to Chamberlain’s appeasement to Hitler in the 30’s. The “Deal” gives the Iran regime time to arm up and plan to use their new toy. Think Germany in 1938. Once it’s unleashed, the world must “Deal” with it. Obama? Well, he’ll be out of power and his followers will disavow or make excuses for this “Deal”

So, here’s the prediction: Iran will claim victim status for something in the future that will “Justify” their use of a nuclear weapon on either Israel or the Kingdom of Saud first. The world will be enveloped in “Police action” again since “War” is politically incorrect.

GOD must save Israel, because Israel truly stands alone now with “Dear Leader” Obama at the helm.