Tag: Obama’s bailout.

Obama’s at it again…

Obama’s at it again…

Here we go… The left is UNHAPPY with Obama, his poll numbers have dropped, his health care bill is on the ropes, the unions are pissed off, Hollyweird is ticked off, the CIA, FBI and HLS are all fired up after such backing from the top elected officials in our government….So how does Obama fix it???? Yep, Tax them wealthy sons o bitches some more, blame everything on the banks……We want our money back! Huh?

How much did we give GM? How much money was wasted on the bailouts OBAMA drove down our throats?…. Nope lets forget that, lets go after the bailout money HE supported but blames BUSH for it…. Boy I’ll tell you these days demorats are absolutely shameless, and they think we are the dumbest MF’ers on the planet… We’ll show em in November.