Tag: Obama

Obama-care, the gift that keeps giving

Obama-care, the gift that keeps giving

Not only did the DEMOCRAT congressional MAJORITY give us Stimulus, and Obamacare it’s continuing to give us high unemployment and low GDP growth. Obamacare is continuing to give…

Boston Scientific to lay off 1,200-plus

Boston Scientific Corp. said yesterday that it plans to eliminate 1,200 to 1,400 jobs worldwide during the next 2 1/2 years to free money for new investments, the Natick medical device maker’s second major round of cuts since last year.

The company would not say how many jobs will be lost in Massachusetts, where fewer than 2,000 of its 25,000 employees are based. In February 2010, Boston Scientific said it would pare 1,300 jobs worldwide, but similarly did not say where.

Want to guess which industry this company is in? Yep boys and girls it’s the health care industry… The very same industry that Nancy Pelosi claimed would create 800k jobs the minute the bill was passed. The only it created was a few jobs for secretary’s to write WAIVERS for Obama’s friends.

I’ll say it again Obama and the Democrats are winning because nobody is talking about these things. GDP growth, layoffs, unemployment likely to rise in the next the month. Oh and don’t even think about that little SCANDAL in Mexico and elsewhere called Gunwalker and/or fast and furious…

Wake up America you’re being played like a fiddle and its planned from those morons in DC.


Bubba Tells it LIKE IT IS!

Bubba Tells it LIKE IT IS!

Bubba gives a great 2nd Amendment Speech and lets the ignorant media hold both barrels.

Huge tip of the stetson to “The Daily Gator

Now tell me this man doesn’t lay it on the line. This 2nd Amendment speech is one for the ages. He’s done us a great service by posting this and if you can argue ANYTHING he said, you must realize YOU are the problem with this nation. And as such are my enemy, you are my hated adversary and you will be afforded NO RESPECT, NO CIVILITY, NO CORDIALITY.

This video found at daily gator was linked to “What Bubba Knows” I’m not sure if it’s the same Bubba. (I’m thinking it’s gotta be) but give the guy a read. He nails this whole debt limit debate with a perfect analogy. I’ll be adding his site to the “Best of the web” page soon.


Note to the GOP

Note to the GOP

Hang in there. Do not give in. Do not believe the B.S from those with an agenda. We the People NO NOT want “Compromise”. We the People did not send you in force to the house in order to “Compromise” WE the People knew the risks, We the People have taken that risk. We the People expect the government to live within it’s means. We the People EXPECT YOU TO STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. IF that means we default. SO BE IT. Let Obama make a decision on who to pay. LET OBAMA PAY HIS CRONIES. LET OBAMA be OBAMA. It will undo his presidency and it will put us on the fast track to recovery.


CAVE on this important discussion and WE THE PEOPLE WILL REMOVE YOU.

You have the right to Remain STUPID!

You have the right to Remain STUPID!

I post this with no commentary. It says it all. Read it and plaster it everywhere.

by Ted Nugent

You have the right to remain stupid, and what you say and do can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion. Unfortunately, the court of public opinion is expanding into a stupid is as stupid does joke. And they have a president and gang of thieves in the United States government to represent them.

So goes the sheeping of America. Welcome to Euro II.

With the level of dishonesty, fraud, abuse of power, corruption, rampant irresponsible and downright criminal behavior and their vehement refusal to be accountable, our government has clearly lost its collective mind, and its soul.

The braindead, zombie like nonsenses blurting out of democrats’ pie holes is mind boggling as they feebly attempt to rationalize raising the debt ceiling, scrambling mindlessly to explain how increased runaway, criminal spending on gluttonous, wasteful, superfluous crap is a good thing.

“Honey, we’re in debt up to our ass, let’s go shopping and increase our gluttonous indulgences. Yeah, that’s the stuff.”

Is there a Dr. Phil or an Oprah to counsel psychotic bureaucrats? Somebody has to put a halt to this insanity as quickly as possible. We the people of the Tea Party are trying with all our might, but there must be somebody in government that can stop this. Somebody?

The separation of Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government have turned into one big gang of complicit goons, scratching each other’s backs and scheming to increase their own dishonest teaming up on we the people. Oh how they have forgotten their oath to the US Constitution. Oh woe are they.

A nasty unclean gaggle of Americans read the nonstop reports of mass graves in Mexico, the mountains of dead bodies, the unending exhuming of slaughtered innocents and decapitated citizens and public officials at the hands of evil drug cartels, then nonchalantly purchase another load of the mind and life destroying dope that these subhuman heathens pedal. You have to be on dope in order to fail to admit how your illegal or “medical marijuana” consumption creates wanton death and mayhem in your own communities and country. Thanks for nothing idiots.

Freddie and Fanny and their complicit gang of America hating snake oil salesmen represent the most clear and present economic raping and pillaging in our country’s history, and instead of ending the tragedy, the perpetrators are given bonuses and hired by our already criminal infested government. And they call it “creating jobs”. Mao and Al Capone would be proud.

In the American West where actual inhabitants have been raising hell for twenty plus years how grizzly bears pose a serious and constant threat to people’s lives and livelihood, inept, ignorant bureaucrats force dangerous policy by calling these overpopulated bears an endangered species. A hiker gets killed by a grizzly again and these geniuses’ response is to remind people to whistle and bang on pots and pans.

In the middle of a war on terror, invaders invade our southern border with impunity, and instead of living up to their oath to protect America, soulless Fedzillacrats erect signs on American soil, not warning the invaders to leave, but rather warning American citizens to stay out of the invaded territory. Meanwhile, the feds sue Arizona for enforcing American laws.

Charlie Rangle, Tim Guitner, Tom Daschle and God knows how many other criminal tax cheats get caught red handed and none of them are brought to anything resembling justice. Are you kidding me?

Chicago Mayor Daley and now Rhom Emanual, along with NYC mayor Bloomberg, forbid their subjects to protect themselves, but charge their subjects increased taxes for their own heavily armed security detail.

Texas rightly decide to execute a convicted murderer rapist of an innocent little girl, and the president and secretary of state sides with the murderous, rotten to the core UN goons instead of with their own country. Are you kidding me?

I end up in a state of the art emergency room at a Canadian hospital with a serious blood gushing dog bite and wait six and a half hours to see a doctor. In Waco, Texas, I wait less than a minute. Our fearless community organizer in chief wants to fundamentally transform American healthcare into Canadian healthcare. Unless of course you qualify for a crony, payoff waiver of this diabolical scam otherwise shoved down the throats of we the people. Are you kidding me?

Food stamp pigs increase their fraud and criminal abuse of an already proven failed welfare slavery system, and our numbnut politicians let Obama increase it four fold. Are you kidding me?

Cloward and Piven write the ultimate America hating guideline on how to bring down the greatest quality of life in the history of mankind, and the Obama administration puts their ideas on the fast track in broad daylight, yet no one stops him. Are you kidding me?

Four so called Supreme Court Justices declare American citizens have no fundamental right to self-defense, and nobody makes a peep. Are you kidding me?

Unions continue to demand more compensation for less productivity or quality control. The list of jobs Americans are not willing to do gets longer by the day as soilent green foreigners continue to kick our ass because they don’t allow such a list. Are you kidding me?

With another glaring smoke and mirrors defiance of their pledge to government transparency, the number one cop in America, aided and abetted by the vehemently anti-gun president, knowingly break the law and their oath to the US Constitution by running illegally begotten guns to Mexican murderers, then try to blame legitimate American gun dealers. Nothing like a good backfire to spotlight the cockroaches.

I could go on, but I’m getting sick to my stomach. As are an increasing number of American citizens sickened by the flagrant criminality of our government. I would like to go on record, that the US Government is now more offensive and in violation of self-evident truths and God given individual rights and liberties than the British government was in 1775. Make note bureaucrats- we have had enough, are completely fed up with the insanity, and we officially put you on notice; you’re fired. When we go to the polls in 2012, we are committed to give most of you a good dose of what unemployment feels like. And from now on, you will have to create your own jobs, because governments, especially a bloated, criminally abusive government like we have in the USA today, is unforgivable, unsustainable and will not be tolerated any longer.

I would highly recommend you all seek treatment for your allergies to logic, truth, goodwill, decency, accountability and The American Way. Because if you don’t get help soon, God only knows what will become of you.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Charlie Rangle: What Would Jesus Do?

Charlie Rangle: What Would Jesus Do?

Man, you gotta love the liberal mind.

HT Weasel Zippers

CNN — Veteran Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel made an impassioned plea to religious leaders Friday, calling on them to lobby members of Congress and the Obama administration to remember the “lesser of my brothers and sisters” during this weekend’s debt negotiations.

“What would Jesus do this weekend? Or Moses. Or Allah. Or anyone else,” the New York congressman said at a press conference on Capitol Hill. “I don’t want this book (debt negotiations) closed without the clergy having an opportunity to forcefully express themselves as well as I know they can do.”

Let’s see you rat bastid, Jesus wasn’t real fond of abortion, in the BIBLE it’s stated “Give to Caeser that which is Caeser’s” Meaning PAY YOUR TAXES. Jesus wasn’t real fond of liars, frauds or murderers.. But go ahead and use religion when it suits you… WOW…

I find it absolutely amazing that nobody on the left side will call this hypocrisy. I find it hilarious that Charles Rangle, the most infamous liar in government NOW calls on Congress to have “Morals”…. Yeah good spokesperson you got there libbers.

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GOP starting the CAVE Process…

GOP starting the CAVE Process…

Here we go…

Kyl: Republicans Agree to Revenue Increases in Deficit Talks

A top-ranking GOP Senator said Wednesday that Republicans have agreed to revenue increases as part of a deficit-reduction measure.

“If you add up all of the revenues that we Republicans have agreed to, it’s between $150 billion and $200 billion,” said Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., during a speech on the Senate floor.

Kyl said two potential ways to bring that revenue to the government would be through increasing fees for government services or selling government property.

“If the government sells something and gets revenue from it, that’s revenue,” Kyl said. “If there is a user fee of some kind and we want to raise that to keep up with the times, that’s revenue.”

Let me help you folks out with some terms here. Since I live in California, I’m familiar with “Fee’s” vs “Tax”

Remember, I’m experienced in “Rino Taxin”

In California any state tax increase has to be voted in by 2/3 majority in the legislature. Or it has to be voted on by the citizens of CA. ( I think that’s accurate, if not someone point it out in comments) I do know that there’s some parameters placed on the ruling class before they can tax us more…Anyway:

Since in CA we have a “Revenue Problem” according to the state democrats, they raise fees on things like DMV, Parks and Rec, Parking lots and then they start doing things like adding charges to emergency responders. Like if you are in a car wreck or your house catches fire, you get a bill. Sounds fun huh?

Stay tuned this is going to be fun to watch. Kind of like a trainwreck. What’s happening here is, we are about to be sold down the river. The American people are being played like a fine piano. Just think folks, the minority is dictating the path for the majority. The Communists are running the asylum.

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Reagan Schools Obama on Socialism…

Reagan Schools Obama on Socialism…

Funny Stuff… Truth and humor…

Found at Theo Spark



:rotfl: Too bad Obammy doesn’t listen and he sure as hell won’t reverse course. We the People can remove his dumbass in 2012 though.

Two Exterminators, an anology of UBL’s Death.

Two Exterminators, an anology of UBL’s Death.

After the last couple of days I’ve been seeing the media jumping through hoops to give Obama ALL the credit for this wonderful action of killing a monster. Obama’s command decision too over 8 months to make, but he finally made it. Kudos.

Now here’s my real unabridged analogy of Osama Bin Laden’s death:

You own a very large ranch, you have a huge bee hive on your property and they are the African killer bee’s. You tried to live peacefully with the bees, but you were stung repeatedly and finally had enough, so you called in an exterminator. The exterminator shows up, works his butt off killing the dangerous bees, he spends months swatting the hive and killing the bees…He spent much of his time trying to find the queen bee, but the queen was elusive. The exterminator has scattered the bees  and removed the hive from your property, you occasionally see a bee or two but nobody on your property is getting stung or chased. You pay the exterminator for a job well done and send him on his way.

About a month later you see a bee that is large and has a few little ones around him. You figure it’s got to be queen bee and you call the exterminator again..BUT the exterminator is moved out of state. So you call another one, he comes in with an employee. You point out where the queen bee is and go back in the house.

After 5 minutes the extermination business owner shows up at your door with a bill.

It’s a bill that’s 3 times larger than the first exterminators bill. He says “The Queen Bee is dead, I gave the order for my employee to kill the Queen bee and he swatted it with a magazine, you don’t need to see the body, we took care of it already”… You ask what about the other bees that are coming into your property? He says, “they will go away in a little bit, pay me, oh and I’m the only game in town now, so you will be using my services for the next 4 years.”

This is exactly what has happened in the UBLs death. I don’t care if your political leaning is left or right, you have to see that the dictator in chief is taking a victory lap for others work. Obama is more concerned with the “Feelings” of our enemy than he is the emotional well being of OUR nation. This is a failed leadership at it’s finest.

November 2012 can’t come soon enough.