Tag: Obama temper tantrum

Obama Cares About Immigration…Cuba?

Obama Cares About Immigration…Cuba?

As the Obama administration comes to an end. (aka The era of the failed experiment of electing a leader based on his/her color/gender or sexual preference)  We are seeing the true colors of Liberalism.

For over a month now, we’ve seen the truth. Liberalism has been unmasked for the world to see and people with IQ’s over a jellyfish have taken notice. Here’s some highlights:

1 Stock market rises on news of Trump POTUS: Fed Raises Rates.(Rates should have been raised several times before now, but if it did and tanked, Obama would be blamed and he wasn’t allowing that to happen)

2. Russian Hacking claim leads to Expelling Russian diplomats. (China hacked pentagon, Russia actually took over another country and no action from Obama. But the mere mention of Russia meddling *UNSUBSTANTIATED* produced action)

3. Federal take over of vast ocean resources.

4. My favorite one: Ending of “Wet foot dry foot” program for Cubans. This is the one that I am most interested in:

So “Wet foot Dry Foot” is now dead because Obama killed it. Which means Cubans can no longer be granted citizenship if they reach Florida. Barack Obama hates BROWN PEOPLE!!

Why would Barack Obama the champion of illegal Immigrants want to stop immigration by Cubans? Why would conservatives be upset about it? Ah, this is the play.. I am against all forms of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION TO THE USA so on one hand I’m actually fine with Obama doing this.

On the other hand it’s a petulant child move. Cubans overwhelmingly voted for TRUMP in Florida and basically stole the election from Hillary. Cuban’s in Florida celebrated Fidel Castro’s death. Remember, Castro was a hero to Barack Obama… So what better way to punish them than to remove the possibility that their family may get here too. And there’s the added “Gotcha” of:  If Trump reinstates it, he then becomes Pro-Illegal Immigration and makes his wall a hypocritical/political wall not an American first wall..

Barack Obama basically put up a wall for Cuban Illegal Immigration, yet is okay with Mexican (And south of Mexico) Illegal Immigration? What about the children? Don’t they want better lives too? Why do you hate brown people Barack Obama? democrats why are you so racist?

Trump is a smart man, he’s playing chess while Obama is playing with his barbie doll. Trump will designate Cuban refugee’s for vetting the same way as “Syrian” and that will give the appearance of fairness. The wall gets built, the vetting process will actually be a good thing and the nation will be better for it.

8 days left guys, the worst POTUS ever will be GONE!!! REJOICE that we survived such an immature child king…..