Tag: Obama supports OWS

Obama embraces the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Obama embraces the Occupy Wall Street Movement

I find it funny… Obama, who has created the environment which has caused the people to hit the streets, is embracing their cause… Um, can someone please tell me their cause?

Obama likens civil rights to economy fight at memorial

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama gave a partisan-tinged speech to dedicate a new memorial to Martin Luther King Jr., likening the battle for racial equality to his political struggles in a divided Washington.

So the whining little piss ants crying about “Something” are now just like the civil rights movement… WOW.

Martin Luther King would is rolling over in his grave watching this dumb shit.

I read today that somewhere around 75% of people support the OWS movement. I’m having a tough time believing that. I for one haven’t heard anything coming from those morons in the street that I agree with. IF their entire message is “DON’T BAIL OUT BANKS” then I’m all in. BUT it’s not. Their message is a hodge podge of bullshit coupled with liberalism/communism/and socialism with a side order of anti-semitism.

This so-called “Movement” is nothing more than a temper tantrum and for the POTUS to “Support” gives it credibility and will be extremely dangerous. Right now, there’s NOBODY that can point to a singe tea party arrest or violent outbreak at a rally. There’s been THOUSANDS of arrest at these OWS moron outings.

These little piss ants shitting on the constitution on one side, while quoting parts of it they like are nothing more than spoiled brats. Over educated common thugs hoping to make the nation think that Obama is on the right track. Wake up America before it’s too late.

There is a lot to lose, the OWS movement will continue, will the tea party be silent? Will the rest of the world be happy if the OWS crowd won? If there are NO rich people left in America would that help the world? Would that help the OWS people?…. NO!

You don’t make the poor rich by making the rich poor. Misery loves company and these little whining bastards are just using this “Movement” as an excuse for why they are worthless. Don’t stand up work hard and succeed, blame rich whitey for my failures… Idiots.