Tag: Obama seeks to open drilling

Obama seeks to get re-elected.. Oops I mean Drill…

Obama seeks to get re-elected.. Oops I mean Drill…

Gas prices have been high for a very long time, the crickets have been chirping in the media because “Duh Won” is their guy. Any time the economy, gas prices or any “Negative” is mentioned in the MSM, it’s challenged with “What about BOOOOsh?”

How’s this for playing the American Public:

With Gas Prices Soaring, Obama Looks to Ramp Up U.S. Oil Production

WASHINGTON — Seeking to address mounting criticism over high gas prices, President Obama is directing his administration to ramp up U.S. oil production by extending existing leases in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska’s coast and holding more frequent lease sales in a federal petroleum reserve in Alaska.

Obama said Saturday that the measures “make good sense” and will help reduce U.S. consumption of imported oil in the long term. But he acknowledged anew that they won’t help to immediately bring down gasoline prices topping $4 a gallon in many parts of the country.

His announcement followed passage in the Republican-controlled House of three bills — including two this week — that would expand and speed up offshore oil and gas drilling. Republicans say the bills are aimed at easing gasoline costs, but they also acknowledge that won’t be immediate.

The White House had announced its opposition to all three bills, which are unlikely to pass the Democratic-controlled Senate, saying the measures would undercut safety reviews and open environmentally sensitive areas to new drilling.


So Congress’s Dog and Pony show the other day where they grilled Oil Exec’s over oil prices paid off? I mean what says “You fat cats are the problem!” more than doing exactly what they told congress needs to happen? The best line of that entire debacle was:

“I don’t think Americans want shared sacrifice, they want shared prosperity”… TRUTH. We believe in an honest days work for an honest days pay. What we don’t need nor do we want is class warfare based on flawed data, bias or jealousy…

Obama is using his almighty powers to see into the future and he’s seen the light. The light is on the exit door if he doesn’t stop his destructive policies. SO here’s his new plan…

Give the “Little People” what they want (Kind of) until after the election. Then when I have 4 years and can’t be re-elected, I can finish the job of destroying the great satan America.