Tag: Obama refused help for politics.

More on Benghazi…

More on Benghazi…

The more we hear from the events surrounding the second terrorist attack on 9/11 this one on 9/11/2012 is marred in politics. The decision to send help is now at the forefront.

From what I’ve read, there were plenty of assets in the area that could have rendered help. Leon Panneta stated you don’t send in military with out knowing everything in real time. Um, Excuse me? We sent our boys to invade beaches in France without knowing , we sent our boys into Vietnam without knowing, We sent our boys to Somalia without knowing, We sent our boys to Afghanistan without knowing. This was a political decision.

I can imagine Obama having to make a decision at the spur of the moment. It went like this:

Obama:”Our guys are under attack? Are they capable of repelling the attack?”

Advisor: “Yes, they have a gun and a radio”

Obama “Okay, wake me up at 2 I got to catch a plane to Vegas”

Fact is, Obama didn’t make a decision to help our guys in Benghazi because if he sent help and it didn’t go well, either civilians got killed or our guys got killed it would be bad for his election chances. They thought they could bury this until after the election better than if a rescue failed. And that my friends is the FACTS.

All you have to do is look at Obama’s history. He will never make a tough decision unless he feels it benefits him. Not America HIM. 4 dead Americans are easier to hide than 20. The risk of a rescue was too great for his campaign. Not too great for those nearby. They would have gone in without hesitation. The C.I.C had no will to save Americans lives because the risk to his career was greater than their lives. Vote for a man like this? HELL NO