Tag: Obama killing jobs

Boeing Should SHUT DOWN!

Boeing Should SHUT DOWN!

Boeing is headed to court today in Seattle:

The NLRB’s Kangaroo Court & Boeing Employees’ ‘Insurance’ Option…

On Tuesday, the Boeing Company will be heading to the NLRB’s kangaroo court in Seattle, Washington to be prosecuted by an agency controlled by pro-union extremists. The outcome, as far as the NLRB hearing is concerned, is already a foregone conclusion. The hearing is a procedural nuisance that Boeing will have to endure to eventually have its case heard in the federal courts—which is likely where the case will end up, barring any “face-saving” settlement negotiated with the union and the NLRB.

What this boils down to is the right of a company to be profitable. IF a company decides it’s too expensive to do business in one state and decide they can move and make more money, the government can stop them. Um NO. This is not the American way.

Boeing should say fine. And shut their doors on ALL of their plants. Move to Mexico or Europe or wherever. Boeing employs about 76K and about 150k directly related to Boeing in the state of Washington. It’s time for business to say okay, enough. Shut Down. The government can’t tell you to stay in business. Shut them down.

This is the same tactic I’d like to see EVERY Business use in this environment. I’d like to see MORE and MORE business shut down over the regulations/taxes and government over reach. Shut them down, lay off your employees and save your cash. Once we get a change from anti-business to Pro-business in our government, and institute some COMMON SENSE solutions to our economic woes, perhaps a grand opening of all would be warranted.