Tag: Obama is the most incompetent leader in American History

Obama’s plan working to perfection.

Obama’s plan working to perfection.

Sorry for the lack of posting but I’ve been busier than a one legged man at an ass kicking contest lately.

The Obama master plan seems to be working or he’s absolutely the most incompetent leader in American history.

1. Economic recovery: FAIL, no matter how much money he and his minions in the house and senate throw at the issue, very few PRIVATE sector jobs are being created. This was the plan? Obama blames Bush for the hardship, he can say he’s trying to repair all the damage by the Republicans while making sure his “Agenda” is going through. IF the economy rebounded because the GOVERNMENT actually did what was needed like “CUT TAXES” for businesses and take some of the 800 billion and come up with incentives for businesses to hire folks. Obama wouldn’t be able to make the government bigger. Obama has increased GOVERNMENT payroll, and the size of Government has grown to unimaginable levels.

2. The wars: FAIL. No matter what this administration does, they are viewed as WEAK by our enemy’s. Obama campaigned on “Reaching out and resetting” relationships. He’s blamed Bush for all the world problems and it’s not working out so well. Obama has tied our soldiers hands in the middle of war. Remember he wanted people to see the coffins coming home. More dead Americans means he will have support from his base full of sheep. IF the war in Afghanistan starts going WORSE, Obama will be free to surrender and move out, he will continue blaming Bush for the errors, but Obama actually owns this one now. This could be the WORST plan Obama has set in motion if indeed it’s his plan to withdraw from Iraq.

3. The Gulf Oil Spill: FAIL. While Obama can’t plug the hole himself. He’s exhibited piss poor leadership in the face of the worst economic disaster in the worlds history. The oil continues to flow out of a pipe a mile down and there are NO concrete plans to stop it. Obama’s plan may have been to show the dangers of offshore drilling by letting it get big and cause enough pain to be able to pass his green energy plan. What has happened is the world is watching the most inept leader of the modern world play golf, drink beer and watch baseball games. He’s made appearances to show he’s angry about it and never misses a beat to blame Bush. The plan to make an example of oil drilling dangers has failed miserably, it is now about the dangers of incompetent leadership.

4. Illegal Immigration: FAIL. Obama knows he can’t get amnesty passed now. Arizona and the support from our nation that Arizona is getting stopped his plan cold. So what will he do? He’ll challenge the law in court, hope to get an injunction and that will buy time until the next election is settled. When he has a majority house controlled by REPUBLICANS, he’ll push for the amnesty plan and make the REPUBLICANS the bad guys. Democrats for the most part DON’T want amnesty without border security either, never mind what they say on camera pandering to the hispanic vote. IF Congress voted for amnesty NOW, it would be a bloodbath in November. EVERYONE knows it. And it wouldn’t pass because of it. Arizona is a pain to Obama and he’s just going to ignore it until 2011.

Come on November…Our last hope for Change.