Tag: Obama is making the same mistake GWB did

Obama hasn’t learned a damn thing.

Obama hasn’t learned a damn thing.

George Bush had a majority House and Senate. His first year in office he made a few changes…Then 9-11 happened…Our nation was, for a short time united. Except for the fringe elements of the college elite libturds, we were ALL Americans. After GWB decided to  punish those that committed the September 11th attacks on our soil, he decided to do something to prevent that type of thing from happening again. Whether it was right, misguided, illegal. wrong or stupid is up for debate, but what can not be debated is the action. GWB acted, he got the information and advice from his advisers and he made a decision. Regardless of how we felt about his decisions on the war on terrorists he took action. We have not been attacked on our homeland since 9-11-201, and it’s not because they quit trying.

Obama on the other hand ran a campaign based on bashing George Bush, he bashed ALL of his policies from Iraq to partial birth abortion. He bashed Gitmo he bashed spending, he bashed bailouts he bashed the patriot act, Obama was elected to CHANGE the course of America and put it on a liberal course….

Obama has put his party’s political career on the line with this health care reform issue, but what have the Democrats really done since they gained the majority? They have spent damn near triple the amount of money in 9 months, than GWB did in his entire term…INCLUDING 2 wars..They have passed legislation that has kept the job market dismal at best such as cap and trade. They have not closed Gitmo, they have not got out of Iraq, they have took their eye off Afghanistan…Just like GWB did!

Obama like Bush, has a majority in both houses of congress, and what Obama is doing is trying to appease both sides, he is trying to make nice with the republicans, and keep his libturd base happy. This is exactly what GWB did.

Rather than stick to what got him elected, GWB tried to appease the left of center crowd, it got his constituents with the (R) in front of their names booted…GWB spent money like crazy, he tried to give the Democrats some things so they would back off the attack, it worked opposite.

Obama should have gone ahead and done what he campaigned on before he found out about the real world, he should force that health care through the system, he should remove troops from Iraq NOW, he should go ahead and go Nancy Pelosi left.  Because the minute this Health Care “Reform” passes, he will have a guaranteed he will have to deal with a majority (R) in both houses. And the chance of getting anymore of his liberal bullshit through will be much harder or damn near impossible.

Michael Moore made a statement that he would ensure any Democrat that voted against Obama’s health-care bill will be unemployed in 2010. I would be willing to bet that ANY Demorat that votes FOR the bill, (Other than in Frisco, LA or NY) will be unemployed. Our nation is waking up to the bullshit GWB started, and we are tired of the tax and spend politics that has got our economy in third world class.

All it takes is a look back to 2006… What happened? Yep the Demorats took over the lead role in Congress….How do you like California governance? You pretty much got it now.