Tag: Obama going after Guns

Obama Pushing Shooters off Public Land…

Obama Pushing Shooters off Public Land…

Here we go, just another anti-gun move from the most anti-gun POTUS ever.

Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands

Gun owners who have historically been able to use public lands for target practice would be barred from potentially millions of acres under new rules drafted by the Interior Department, the first major move by the Obama administration to impose limits on firearms.

Officials say the administration is concerned about the potential clash between gun owners and encroaching urban populations who like to use same land for hiking and dog walking.

“It’s not so much a safety issue. It’s a social conflict issue,” said Frank Jenks, a natural resource specialist with Interior’s Bureau of Land Management, which oversees 245 million acres. He adds that urbanites “freak out” when they hear shooting on public lands. [Read about the subpoena issued as a result of Operation Fast and Furious.]

From the article “the problem is hikers freaking out when they hear gun shots”. huh? You can get the POTUS to sign a law because you “Freak out” about something? I freak out every time I see an Illegal Immigrant in line at the store paying for something with an EBT card.

This is what’s known as “Payback” Obama is going on the attack because of the Operation Fast and Furious fallout. His buddy Holder is being held accountable for a failed operation. HOW DARE YOU! Nobody in Obama’s administration can be held accountable for ANYTHING.

The NRA is putting a lot of effort into this issue. The F&F scandal is huge to gun owners. WHY? Because the administration and the left blamed the violence on America’s gun owners. And were using the BATF to supply guns to Mexico in order to support their claim. It’s dishonest, it’s a lie, and it got a good man killed (Among countless others)

So to understand WHY Obama is doing this you must understand Chicago politics. IF you catch the “God Father” in a lie, you must be punished. The NRA is a supporter of public land shooting. Obama doesn’t need congress to enact something like this. And it punishes the NRA and it’s members.

We need to come together this election cycle. We need unity more than any other time in history. Every American from Center to the far Right needs to unite around a common goal. The common goal should be the 2nd amendment which is under attack from within and without. IF we give Obama 4 more years. YOUR RIGHTS TO PROTECT YOURSELF ARE GOING TO BE CHIPPED AWAY!

I don’t care WHO it is that gets the R nomination. I’m campaigning for them. Choose wisely America, your families lives hang in the balance.