Tag: Obama gets to take credit for killing Osama

Obama slays Osama… Well, America’s Military Did…

Obama slays Osama… Well, America’s Military Did…

Okay, by now you’ve read all the stories and heard all the Osama jokes on facebook.  And there are some good ones out there, you guys are some creative SOB’s with the written word. Let’s get serious here for a minute.

Let’s do a little what if: What if Obama was killed April 2003 before the presidential election? Would the left be writing about how GWB is using Osama’s death to get a bounce in the polls? OF COURSE THEY WOULD. So to my liberal friends STFU, the right is playing your game better that’s all.


Here’s my official opinion on the GREAT NEWS that Osama Bin Rotten is dead:

Kudos to the United States men and women that have spent 10 years chasing this TURD. Kudos to the American military for continuing the fight against the followers of the same brand of Islam that spawned this TURD. Kudos to all the suits in DC that deciphered intel for countless hours. Kudos to George W Bush for going on the offense against the Islamic TURDS that followed the Head TURD Osama Bin Laden. Kudos to Barack Obama for STAYING the course and continuing the pursuit of this TURD. And the most heartfelt KUDOS I can muster is saved for the families of  the fallen men and women from 9-11-201 till now in the effort to defend our nation against these Islamic TURDS.

George Bush set the foundation for this day. His policies, his plans in Afghanistan and Iraq have killed countless Islamic TURDS and continue to do so every day under Obama’s policies. Obama could have made good on his promises to stop the wars. Obama could have made good on his promises to do the opposite of what George Bush had done. He didn’t and for that he deserves kudos.

I may have heaped a lot more praise on Obama for this joyous occasion but a couple of things are bothering me.

1. The speech he gave after the news broke. It was full of self congratulations, self indulgence, and everything but a high five to himself for Osama’s death.

2. In Obama’s speech he again referenced the “We’re not at war with Islam” meme. Now forgive me for being little slow, but: Our leaders have been saying that same thing for 10 years, do you really think that NOW they will believe it? All of the sudden the Islamic TURDS will drop their rifles and say “Oh dang, I thought they were at war with Islam, My bad”… I suggest that you not waste your breath with that one anymore.

3. “We are going to handle body in accordance with the Islamic faith” Now this bothers me greatly because we’ve been told that Islamic believers are NOT our enemy, and Osama was not a real Muslim because Islam is the religion of peace. IF so why are we extending this “Islamic Burial?” It’s a slap in the face to many if while placating the enemy. My suggestion is to wrap the body in pig fat, stuff it with bacon and have 100 Jews piss on it before it’s thrown in the ground underneath a pork slaughterhouse.

They say if you are martyred in the Islamic faith, you receive 72 virgins upon your entry to heaven. I hope they all look like Helen Thomas.