Tag: Obama care gets help from Allen West

Well Damn.. Allen West Let Me Down Today.

Well Damn.. Allen West Let Me Down Today.

IF our mission in 2010 was to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. Then Allen West just became a target. We must not allow ANY of our elected officials think we will carry their water when they falter on their mission. You were sent to do a job, do it. You were sent to stand on principle, DO IT. IF you believe a bill is good/bad vote that way. It doesn’t matter if it will pass the senate or not. Mr West has thrown a big monkey wrench in his political career because of this action:

Quit wasting time on ObamaCare rollbacks, says … Allen West?

Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), who has emerged as an outspoken conservative voice among GOP freshmen, cast a surprising vote last week against a bill to scrap part of the 2010 healthcare overhaul. The legislation would repeal $100 million in funding for the construction of school-based health centers. West was one of just four Republicans to vote against the measure, which passed 235-191.

West spokeswoman Angela Sachitano said in an email that the congressman “believes there are bigger funding issues to be focusing on right now including the numerous developments in the Middle East, concerning Pakistan and whether there is a link to [Osama bin Laden] and the recent unity agreement with the [Palestinian Authority] and Fatah and Hamas.”

He also questioned the House’s continued efforts to dismantle the healthcare law on a piecemeal basis, she said.

“He voted to repeal Obamacare, and it was dead on arrival in the Senate,” Sachitano said. “He questions what the goal is of chipping away like this if it’s almost certain that the Senate is not going to take it up.”

Mr West, you were elected to the HOUSE, the HOUSE is where bills originate for OUR National interest. You can’t worry more about Israel, and foreign affairs than you do our nation. You are NOT POTUS yet (Or ever) with this kind of action on your record. You need to stand your ground, it’s not your worry if it will pass the senate or not. Let them defend their action, you defend yours. Your action on this issue can not be defended by “Integrity, honor or Patriotism” it is a sell out of the highest order. I will not quit supporting you over this one issue. But you have took ONE strike that you didn’t have to take.

Don’t go down this path Mr West, you will be unemployed if you do.