Tag: Obama and his democrats kill jobs

XL Pipeline and Progressivism?

XL Pipeline and Progressivism?

So Obama called Democrat senators and lobbies to get a bill killed that would have kicked the XL pipeline into gear. Not real surprising since “Duh Won” really doesn’t want us off of the “Middle East Oil”…. It’s a great talking point for the Progressives when speaking of green energy. But the real fact is they don’t want oil at all.

11 DEMOCRATS Switched sides in the vote. That’s big, that’s BI-PARTISAN. Not the ONE OLYMPIA SNOWE Vote that was considered “Bi-Partisan” during the Health Care mess.

Here’s the real issue folks. Progressivism is supposed to represent progress. You will these modern philosophical genius’s talking about “moving forward” but; they can’t see past their nose into the future. For example:

In 2006 we were talking about ANWAR and the cry of the left was “It would take 3 or 4 years to benefit us:”. NOW “XL pipeline will take years to help benefit us”… So to understand “Progressivism” you must first understand the LIES and Hypocrisy of their ideology. I know my readers will NEVER understand that and neither will I but once you have an idea of how they think, you will see WHY OBAMA must go.

Pelosi, Obama, Reid, The entire DEMOCRAT leadership and minions blamed GWB for high gas prices when gas was 3.00. It’s 4.40 today here. And it’s NOT OBAMA’S FAULT?…

In 06 the Democrats took over both houses of Congress, ANWAR and other OIL EXPLORATION plans were SHELVED when the houses switched majority’s. SO WHO IS AT FAULT?

Please people WAKE UP, get these morons away from the joystick that controls our destiny.

“Under my energy plan, energy prices would necessarily skyrocket”… Houston, we have a problem