Tag: News

The Week in the News.

The Week in the News.

I haven’t posted a lot lately so I figured I’d put the whole week in one post:

Stock market tanked, picked up a bit then tanked again. Unemployment numbers continue to be 10% (The real number is closer to 15%) Clinton offered Sestack a job to get out of the race with Spector, we are in for a language lesson to determine the meaning of “JOB”. The oil spill is Bush’s fault, Arizona is still THE BEST STATE IN THE NATION, and we need to support them. An 80 yr old man shot a punk that tried to rob him in Chicago…Whoo Hoo. Obama is going to Chicago and forgoing the traditional Arlington Memorial appearance…Sigh.

Hope you all have a great MEMORIAL day weekend but never forget; The reason you have this time with your family is because many before us gave up theirs.

Some Answers for Ya’ll

Some Answers for Ya’ll

For those of you that have been emailing me asking about my well being or my whereabouts I’m posting a few answers for my friends:

1st. I have not been “Taken” by the Obama thugs (Yet)

2nd. I have not been killed by gangbangers (All though this is about the same as the 1st answer)

3rd. I have not been shot by another hunter or gored while hunting hogs. (Again maybe eerily similar to the 1st answer)

I have been working like a dog, I had a physical ailment during my long work schedule that made it very difficult to do much more than eat, shower and sleep on my off time…I’m recovering nicely though and will return to my normally “nasty”, “take it to them” self very shortly.

I have also took up a new sport which will not allow me to spend as much time on the blogs or doing the “tech” thing as I used too, I’ll still find and make time for my friends but my attention from now until December will be on filling my freezer with fast food…Deer, Hog, turkey and fine feathered friends like chukars and pheasant.

Please be aware I am keeping my nose in the political/world issues that affect us all and I will continue to battle the libturd mentality that is destroying our nation at a break neck pace. I am in the process of honing my “Country Boy” skills just like ALL of us should be doing.

IF you have not realized the current environment of our country is damn near at a catastrophic level, look at your local city government. IF they are laying off folks, furloughing employees, and issuing IOU’s at the state level, you should be prepared for the worst. I have took time, spent money and done a lot of preparation in the event of a “natural” disaster, this has taken sometime and some cash. My family deserves my best efforts in being prepared for whatever is coming. I have invested in the future of self preservation, and I feel confident in my ability to just that.

I have been keeping up though and I have a few opinions about a couple of things:

1st. Our Health Care system NEEDS REFORM! I don’t care WHO is president, what color he/she is or what party he/she is from. I do care that it is done RIGHT. The “Public option” is not it! That removes all competition from the market and will destroy the best health care system in the world. (Regardless of your opinion on this, if ours was so bad, would Kennedy have his medical care HERE? would all the folks with all the money still have doctors and their health care HERE?)
What we need is TORT reform, what we need is some small regulatory infusion… We need a specific targeted approach to Health Care COSTS, not a full blow overhaul that will cost US AMERICANS a TRILLION plus dollars….We DON’T need NAZI CARE, we need FREEDOM CARE, we need to fix what’s broke and not try to shove an agenda of liberalism down our throats. We don’t need some CHAVEZ style socialist designed health care reform like what is being proposed.

2nd. Hillary got her ass handed to her in Africa didn’t she? Damn :rotflmao: “I’m the secretary of state, not my husband” I was ROLLING!

3rd. Afghanistan…..Yeah We are still there.

4th. Iraq….. Yeah we are still there.

5th. Freedom of speech is being SQUASHED, believe it. The Obama administration is doing it’s level best to stop those that disagree with his socialist agenda. Obama and Axelrod and Emanuel are the three thugs that are trying to prevent the same thing THEY did to GWB, from being done to their guy… This is the fight guys, the business community is being pulled in to pull money from outspoken media types like Beck, Fox News, or anyone that has a large audience and disagrees with the “Messiah”… Fight on.

That’s it for now, I’ll try to check in more often but I make no promises I got hog tags to fill and at the end of the month- BAMBI and her HUSBAND DIE!