Tag: Nancy Pelosi’s accomplishments

Nancy Pelosi’s Wonderful Accomplishments?

Nancy Pelosi’s Wonderful Accomplishments?

Well, lets look back at San Fran Nan’s wonderful accomplishments since she took the House Chair. ..

I’ll wait until one of my libturd readers point to something positive she has done. But I’ll help with somethings I know she has been responsible for:

1. She’s chaired the most spendaholic congress ever.

2. She’s chaired the congress that has added more to the national debt than any other in the history of our nation.

3. She spent her first two years bashing GWB and missed the collapse of our economy because she was so focused on damaging the Republican party.

4. She’s been in charge of the most corrupt congress EVER, yet no punishment has been dealt to the “D” only one slap for the “You Lie” guy from SC. oh yeah he was an R.

5. Her district ( 8th district ) is losing at least thousand teacher jobs, while she’s busy campaigning for national health care that will ADD to the deficit....

I’m sure there are more wonderful examples of her leadership skills but I think you get the point.

So basically, Nancy Pelosi has done nothing for HER district, and has played a large part in the destruction of our financial system. Anyone with half a brain knows that the real power when it comes to financial matters of the nation rests in the house and senate. They control the purse strings. YET, all the talk is about Obama and his agenda… WHY?

Obama is pushing his liberal agenda, yep that’s what ideologues do. BUT when it comes to finances, Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the credit cards and has been since 2006. I suggest WE that still believe in liberty, freedom and a Government BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE start giving Pelosi the credit she is due. Although I’m sure the libtard Pelosi bots that believe she’s doing the work of the people will blame it on Bush. The truth is Nancy Pelosi signed the checks, Nancy Pelosi OK’d all the spending since 2006, and Nancy Pelosi has been in charge under a very liberal President for over year now and the deficit again rose by triple. Can we afford another 2-4 years of a Pelosi led congress? I say NO.

Yes, Harry Reid is an accomplice to the criminal way our elected officials have acted. Time to remove BOTH of them and any RINO or Moderate DEM that went along with their liberal tax and spend agenda.

So Nany Pelosi, Take a bow! You have accomplished the total bankrupting of a nation, I know you had help but you are the speaker….Applause and roses should be showered upon you… 🙄