Tag: Muslims Terrorists are the problem

What if?…

What if?…

I wonder what the world would be like if White Christian Males between the ages of 20 and 50 were responsible for the same number of terrorist activities as Muslims. Do you think the TSA would be profiling? Do you think it would be acceptable to call it a WAR then?

Seems that I’ve heard the same old tired excuse every time “Profiling” is mentioned. “What about Tim McVeigh?” They don’t seem to get that Timmy didn’t blow up the building in OKC because GOD told him to, he blew it up because he was mad at the Federal Government. Nowhere in his reasoning was an edict or a fatwa or a “Command given by a pastor” to do such a thing.

I think this is a very legitimate question because as it has been, the last group of folks that it is acceptable to insult is WHITE CHRISTIAN MALES.

Could you imagine the uproar if a Muslim man was asked to remove his hijab before boarding a plane because some Christian tried to blow up a plane? I’m betting good ol Janet would be the first one on the “Lets Profile all white people” band wagon. But how dare you profile Muslims even though for the last 20 years (And longer) every terrorist act with significant casualties perpetrated against OUR COUNTRY has been by Muslims.

I say profile. I say if you are middle eastern, or believe in Islam, you should have to register with the Feds. Just like we in California have to register our guns. I say, if you are Muslim these days and have a problem with that solution, get off your ass and start actually FIGHTING the FIGHT against extremism. Until then you are all in the same pot in my book.

No need to comment Whoopi or Joy, I’ll just tell you to F.O.