Tag: Murtha is a tool

Murtha- The 4th idiot in the Demorat party.

Murtha- The 4th idiot in the Demorat party.

The top three are Obama, Pelos and Reid… Murtha has pulled into the fourth position just ahead of Howard Dean..I hear Murtha plans to say something else that is either stupid, or another outright lie in the coming days… Stay tuned, Ol Murtha might just get to position 3.

Murtha: Western Pa. ‘racist’ but Obama should win.

PITTSBURGH (AP) – U.S. Rep. John Murtha says his home base of western Pennsylvania is racist and that could reduce Barack Obama’s victory margin in the state by 4 percentage points.

The 17-term Democratic congressman tells the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in a story posted Wednesday on its Web site that, as he put it: “There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area.”

He says it’s taken time for many Pennsylvania voters to come around to liking Obama, but he should still win the state, though not in a runaway.

In a separate interview posted Wednesday on the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review’s Web site, Murtha says Obama has a problem with the race issue in western Pennsylvania that could shave 4 points off his lead in the state.

Yep pull the race card in case it doesn’t go to your messiah… I am about to say something really bad so I’ll just leave it at that…