Tag: Most tea party members are racist

Most Muslims are Peaceful, All Tea party’rs are racist.

Most Muslims are Peaceful, All Tea party’rs are racist.

Explain this to me:
Why is it; in a liberal/progressives mind, most Muslims are peaceful and if you disagree with it you are an Islamaphobic Racist.

But ALL Tea Party members are racist and if you don’t agree with that you are racist too?

Just askin.

See I know that most Muslims haven’t killed anyone in the name of Islam. I know that there are around 1 billion Muslims in the world and luckily only a small percentage have taken a life because of what is in the Koran. I know that a lot of Muslims in America have became “American” to some degree. I know a lot of Muslims in America believe in freedom of religion and they do not agree with same Islam that has been so violent.

I also know that those “moderate” Muslims that disagree with the violence associated with the “radical” Islam are normally very reluctant to voice their opinions against it. Ask a so-called “Moderate” if they believe hamas is a terrorist organization. IF you had 100 of them in a room, I bet less than 20 would say yes. And those that said yes, would add caveats to the answer.

Here’s a test. Ask a Christian if he/she thinks Phred Phelps is a worthless pile of pig feces. If you put 100 Christians in a room and asked that question you’d get 99% that said yes, the 1% would ask “Who is he”…. No caveats, straight out YES he’s a moron, a loon and the nation would be better off without him.

Muslim sympathizers like to use Timothy McVeigh, Jim Jones, And Hitler as examples of Christian extremists. This is a bullshit argument on it’s face and any free thinking person that is not a Little Green Footballer would know a few things about history.

Tim McVeigh was anti-Government, he was probably a racist, and he was a nutjob. He didn’t worship regularly, he didn’t carry the bible with him, he didn’t preach the bible to anyone, he was by no way a Christian.

Jim Jones, was a cult leader, he convinced a lot of folks to kill themselves. He was a perverted religious version of an Islamic Imam. But there is a huge difference. Christians are not following Jim Jones, they never did, Jim Jones killed all of his followers. Imams are still killing their followers and anyone that doesn’t follow. Jim Jones never stoned anyone for not following, nor did he terrorize those that disagreed with his version of religion.

Hitler, now this is the dumbest argument ever. Hitler Killed Jews. Christians know the bible and know that Jews are the chosen people. Claiming that Hitler killed Jews because he was Christian is so ridiculous only Charles Johnson himself would agree with you. So take that shit over there.