Tag: Morons on the phone

Phone call from Dick Morris… WTF?

Phone call from Dick Morris… WTF?

Ok this goes down as the WORST political call I’ve ever received. Phone rings, I pick it up a guy comes on and asks me if I’d mind listening to a message from Dick Morris and answering a few questions afterwords. Why the hell not, lets hear it.

I listen to Dick tell me about how bad the Democrats are, and good his new book is, and how I can get a free copy if I go to his web site, yada yada….Then this lady comes on and asks me, if I’d support Newt, Huckabee, Palin, or someone and I said NONE OF THE ABOVE. The lady asks me WHO I’d support… I say Allen West for one.. She says (I kid you not) Who’s that?…. THIS is supposed to be a “Real” canvasser for Dick Morris? My GAWD.. We are SCREWED!