Tag: More Illegals to benefit from California’s stupidity

California does it again: Giveaway continues to Illegals…

California does it again: Giveaway continues to Illegals…

In a state so broke day care centers are closing, families are on the streets, businesses are leaving rapidly, our schools are steady at the bottom of the nation, unemployment is around 20% ACTUAL. So this is what our elected enlightened decide to do…

Bill passed by California Assembly would provide college aid to some illegal immigrants

SACRAMENTO, Calif SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Illegal immigrants could receive college financial aid under legislation approved Thursday by the Assembly and apparently destined for the desk of a new Democratic governor who supports the concept.

California could add fuel to national debate over illegal immigrants’ rights by signing into law the “DREAM Act” measure, AB 131.

“This bill will ring across the country,” Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, a Democrat, told dozens of Latino supporters of the bill after Thursday’s 51-21 vote.


Moonbeam will sign this bill when it gets to his desk, he pretty much has to since he campaigned on it. The vast majority of LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVES in the legislature of this state are pushing this through on party lines. Well I say GOOD.


Because once this bill is passed, more money will be needed to pay for another “Progressive Program” that means taxes will have to be raised again on businesses to pay for it, which means MORE businesses will leave. I actually love this. Please pass some more giveaways, it seems fighting them from this position so far in the minority is not doing anything but giving me gray hair. So it’s time to join them. I want grants for gang bangers, I want grants for drug dealers, I want grants for prisoners on Death row, they need an education too. I want free health care, I want free gas for my car. I want it all… Let’s get it done Cali, YES WE CAN! We want more!

The reason I shall vote for everything the progressives want here in California is simple, they are too stupid to see the cliff they are approaching, so I want to push them off. That’s the kind of guy I am. Let’s give it a try.

Give Moonbeam everything he wants as long as it gives us everything free. If it costs us anything we need to tax the rich first!!!! Let’s go California, I’m right behind you as you approach that cliff.

Don’t bother lookin back though, I’ll be in AZ/Texas/Utah/Wyoming/Montana/Idaho and watching the train wreck on TV.

Oh wait, there’s another push off the cliff coming in about 200 days. California under Ahhnold passed “Cap and trade” here in California. So that’s another time bomb ticking as far as job creation goes. Hey Texas, look out for the flood of companies moving in. A word of advise, stop and search the trucks. IF there are NATIVE Californian’s in it, turn them around or you’ll end up infested with morons.