Tag: Mexicans keep theirs.

The LAPD won’t impound Illegal Immigrants Cars?

The LAPD won’t impound Illegal Immigrants Cars?

Now this is absolutely disgusting:

LAPD Will No Longer Impound The Cars Of Unlicensed Illegal Immigrants At Sobriety Checkpoints

Under criticism that it was unfairly targeting undocumented immigrants, the Los Angeles Police Department on Friday announced changes to its rules for impounding cars of unlicensed drivers at sobriety checkpoints.

Previously, LAPD officers at such checkpoints followed stringent protocols that called for them to impound a car whenever the driver was found not to have a valid license, regardless of whether the driver had been drinking.

Those rules have drawn the ire of immigration advocacy groups that said they disproportionately targeted undocumented immigrants, who are not able to obtain licenses legally in nearly all U.S. states. Once a vehicle is impounded, law enforcement agencies often require it to remain locked up for at least a month and charge the owner hefty fees to release it.

Well this is just something that can not stand. But it will of course because it’s CALIFORNIA. We must cater to the illegal crowd because they vote Democrat. The Chief of the LAPD is a MORON. The entire shithole that is LA could disappear and the country would be better for it. Matter of fact this entire state fell off into the ocean the USA would pick up valuable intelligence points.

IF I go into a checkpoint without a license, my car is impounded. IF I am an illegal Immigrant I get to phone a friend… Exactly how is that enforcement of a law? Everyone is required to be licensed to drive and have insurance. IF you have neither and are driving you are causing MY insurance rates to rise.. Is it any wonder the business community is leaving this state in droves? Is it any wonder crime rates have skyrocketed?

I wish the people of LA all the luck in the world with their PC PD.. But I really wish the entire city would vanish and Take Frisco with you.