Tag: Message

Easter Sunday Reflection.

Easter Sunday Reflection.

Those that know me know I am not a fan of organized religion. I believe in GOD, I believe Jesus died for our sins and that he will be my lawyer on judgement day. (He’s got his work cut out)

Jesus Christ:

Greatest man in History, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today!

I look back on my life every Easter and ask a simple question: Did I live the year in such a way that Jesus would approve? The answer is always NOPE. I am human. Yet GOD, the king of kings forgives me and I know in my heart I’ll be welcomed in heaven. If not I’ll have a lot of friends in the other place. 🙄

This Easter we should reflect, we should look back and check ourselves. We need to remember what we did, how we did it and why. We need to ask that question every day. Although we never will be perfect (Which is a good thing, you see what they did to the last perfect person?)

I hope to see the day when Jesus returns, there is going to be some seriously surprised people on this earth. I may be one of them. I have to believe Jesus himself is asking WTF about the issues on earth. There is a belief that our issues are a direct result of our move away from his teachings. Our move away from GOD in our lives and our nation. We as a nation have been blessed beyond compare and many believe it’s because of our founders who included JUDEO/CHRISTIAN values into our existence. That has been slowly chipped away and with each stone crumb, we get another slap.

On this day worship, reflect, enjoy and realize there is someone greater than yourself and in him find peace.