Tag: Marine Held In Mexico

Marine Mexican Prisoner Released…

Marine Mexican Prisoner Released…

Well, for an October surprise this is pretty pathetic. By now everyone knows that the Marine who has been held in Mexico for over 8 months has been released, so I won’t bore you with the details. I’m extremely glad he’s home now and I hope he recovers from his ordeal quickly.


With that being said, the timing is very questionable and that is where I’m choosing to take this post.

I said back in August that the Marine should have been home within a week of this incident and under ANY OTHER PRESIDENT in recent memory, besides Jimmy Carter, he would have been. Barack Obama is not a president that commands respect, he’s a president that demands submission. If he did more than make a cell phone call while he was lining up a putt I’d be surprised.


This release was planned for, timed for and is being used to deflect from the midterm election disaster that looms for Democrats in 3 days.

Let this sink in:

The Marine was held in Mexico for 8 months. A judge 4 days before the election rules for his immediate release and the Marine is on American soil within hours. Why? Did Obama promise Amnesty executive order after the election? Did the Obama admin hope to swing momentum to democrats? Was this a hail marry?

Either way, in any scenario understand that the elected official, the commander in chief of the nations armed services, allowed this Marine to sit in a foreign jail for political gain.


This is the problem we have people. We have a leader who so hates the nation that elected him and the military that serve him, he will use them in this manner.

The fact that this election is even close is damning proof that our nation is truly in distress.

Buckle up folks, this is going to be a very rough 2 years.