Tag: Liberals

Most Muslims are Peaceful, All Tea party’rs are racist.

Most Muslims are Peaceful, All Tea party’rs are racist.

Explain this to me:
Why is it; in a liberal/progressives mind, most Muslims are peaceful and if you disagree with it you are an Islamaphobic Racist.

But ALL Tea Party members are racist and if you don’t agree with that you are racist too?

Just askin.

See I know that most Muslims haven’t killed anyone in the name of Islam. I know that there are around 1 billion Muslims in the world and luckily only a small percentage have taken a life because of what is in the Koran. I know that a lot of Muslims in America have became “American” to some degree. I know a lot of Muslims in America believe in freedom of religion and they do not agree with same Islam that has been so violent.

I also know that those “moderate” Muslims that disagree with the violence associated with the “radical” Islam are normally very reluctant to voice their opinions against it. Ask a so-called “Moderate” if they believe hamas is a terrorist organization. IF you had 100 of them in a room, I bet less than 20 would say yes. And those that said yes, would add caveats to the answer.

Here’s a test. Ask a Christian if he/she thinks Phred Phelps is a worthless pile of pig feces. If you put 100 Christians in a room and asked that question you’d get 99% that said yes, the 1% would ask “Who is he”…. No caveats, straight out YES he’s a moron, a loon and the nation would be better off without him.

Muslim sympathizers like to use Timothy McVeigh, Jim Jones, And Hitler as examples of Christian extremists. This is a bullshit argument on it’s face and any free thinking person that is not a Little Green Footballer would know a few things about history.

Tim McVeigh was anti-Government, he was probably a racist, and he was a nutjob. He didn’t worship regularly, he didn’t carry the bible with him, he didn’t preach the bible to anyone, he was by no way a Christian.

Jim Jones, was a cult leader, he convinced a lot of folks to kill themselves. He was a perverted religious version of an Islamic Imam. But there is a huge difference. Christians are not following Jim Jones, they never did, Jim Jones killed all of his followers. Imams are still killing their followers and anyone that doesn’t follow. Jim Jones never stoned anyone for not following, nor did he terrorize those that disagreed with his version of religion.

Hitler, now this is the dumbest argument ever. Hitler Killed Jews. Christians know the bible and know that Jews are the chosen people. Claiming that Hitler killed Jews because he was Christian is so ridiculous only Charles Johnson himself would agree with you. So take that shit over there.

An Americans advice to the Republicans.

An Americans advice to the Republicans.

Kicking off the political season is usually Labor Day. I think this year it actually started about a year ago because WE saw where we are headed. At this time I’d like to offer a little advice to the Republicans that are set to regain power in the House at least.

The AFLCIO, ACLU, SEIU, Sorros, CODE PINK, HUFFPO, LGF, LaRAZA, ANSWER, MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, Many UNIONS, DEMOCRATS, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NYT, LAT and several other groups are kicking off this election cycle with rallies, and speeches and the usual arm twisting tactics. Did you think they would just sit back and admit that their “Views” are truly out of whack? They are countering the Beck rally, they are countering the facts with feelings. Count the times you hear “Children” in their speeches… So bring your A game Repubs.

Advise to the Republicans seeking to get elected.

1. Increase the pressure on the Democrats, especially if they are incumbents. Keep reminding people that THEY own this economy, THEY own the problems in the world, and THEY are the owners of the direction. Remind people that the democrats have been in power in the house since 2006 and remind them what the house actually does and the power it wields.

Yep, they have sent bills to the POTUS since 06, and look at our economy….Yep the POTUS signed them, but they wrote them. Which tells you where their mind is. We got rid of Bush, time to remove the rest of them.

2. Stay away from the “Personal” attacks, stay on policy differences, stay on the votes the opponent made while they were in office. IF they voted for Obamacare, remind people about the reason unemployment is almost 10% is because of the 2000+ page bill that was passed with bribes and back room deals is in large part the reason the economy is still a disaster. IF they voted for Cap and Trade, tie that in to the economy. Stick on the economy and their record, do not let them blame Bush without reminding people of the POWER in congress for the last 4 years. Remind them where the economy was before the Democrats took over power in the house.

3. Come out and take a stand on these three issues in no uncertain terms. The Ground Zero Mosque, The war on terror and Illegal Immigration. Make it perfectly clear to the masses that YOU will stand with the American people on these issues and call on the Dems to make a stand too. Trust the people to make up their minds based on those answers. On the Illegal Immigration front, you MUST come out as a BORDER SECURITY Proponent, all the other discussion about guest worker or path to citizenship is contingent upon our security. Stand with America and YOU will succeed.

4. Take on the unions. Take them head on. Don’t let that AFLCIO idiot Trumka distort the facts without a direct challenge. You need to explain to the voters that UNIONS don’t hire people. Unions while necessary, have become too much of a political force (And do it using dues, whether or not you agree with it or not) and they are hurting our ability to actually recover our economy. Unions, not all but the BIG Unions, have destroyed the auto industry, they have exploded state budgets, and they are doing the same thing federally. Show them the data. Let the voters know about state and federal laws that make UNIONS almost useless now, other than an arm of the democrat party. Take them on and have your facts right.

5. And finally, Make sure you state clearly your vision and plan for a better way. Right now the Republicans are about to take over, only because the democrats are so inept. Republicans have a lot of ill will left over from the last go around, so you better be ready to back up your talk with actions IF/When you take over power. This could be the last chance you get for 100 years.

Keep your foot on the throat of the Obamabots.

Game ON!

Are you a fence sitter?

Are you a fence sitter?

Cross posted from Texas Fred

Which side of the fence?

Have you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on? This isn’t just a re-post of an email we’ve all seen many times. Read past that part. I was sent this again today and for some reason I was inspired to write the post below the email. I hope you enjoy it!

If a Republican doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Democrat doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Republican doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Democrats demand that those they don’t like be shut down.

If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Republican reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends know how to vote in November!
A Democrat will close it because he’s “offended”.

We’ve all seen this come around in an email before, it’s been out there for a while.

I’m not a fence sitter, I’m not a middle of the road kind of guy. I have long felt that standing in the middle of the road only got you one thing, RUN OVER! I stand firmly planted on the RIGHT and I make no apology for doing so.

I am NOT a Republican. I have made that clear on many occasions, but I can agree with this original email because the Republican that is used in the above narrative is a real Republican, not some PC wannabe, or a reach across the aisle appeaser or, the most dreaded of all, a damned RINO.

Read the rest here

Read the entire post and ask yourself “Where do I stand” Personally I stand on the side of common sense, American pride, and America first. I stand with TRUE conservatives and I stand with good company.

How to destroy a Nation

How to destroy a Nation

I found this by following a link at Ol Broad’s Ramblings That pointed to How to destroy a Nation Good find Kate.

March 17, 1999

To:  Washington State House and Senate Republicans

In 1949, two very competent people, neither knowing the other, were performing assigned duties in China, shortly before the Nationalist government was overthrown and Chiang Kai-Shek was forced to retreat to Taiwan.

Each of these two men, a specialist in his own field, came to the same conclusions about a strange phenomenon both witnessed in China.  One called it brainwashing, the other called it the “tenth principle of warfare” in use in China courtesy of its ally, the Soviet Union.  Both men were right, and both were also wrong.  Hunter, a foreign correspondent for a major news service in the United States, recognized the phenomenon as a method of altering the thought process.  Hutton, A Colonel in the United States Armed Forces, found its special function in military application was to paralyze the will to resist.

What these two men observed was the activation of a management and control system, used to hold captive the second largest nation on earth, and at that time being used to conquer the most populous.  Each man identified it as it impacted his particular field of expertise, not as it impacted the entirety.

In 1949, George Counts, professor at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, who had for years enthusiastically supported the Soviet regime, but who more recently had become embittered when the Soviets made a deal with Hitler, exposed their secret weapon in a his book, The Country of the Blind, and in a article he wrote for the NEA Journal, in 1951.  In the book, Counts described the use of The System to control the economy in the Soviet Union.  In the article, Counts described The System as,

. . . the product of perverted genius.  It is the most comprehensive thing of its kind in history . . . Employing with complete ruthlessness and singleness of purpose all the resources of science, of mechanical invention, of medicine and psychology, it is able to attain power and reach heights of efficiency which dwarf the efforts of previous despotisms.

Twenty years later, a homemaker in California inadvertently uncovered evidence of that same system in a textbook, up for adoption in that state in 1969.  In the teachers’ manual for those texts, the anomaly was called “Planning, Programming and Budgeting Systems” (PPBS).  Eventually, it became known that the California legislature had been implementing various pieces of PPBS for years and did not have a clue what they were building: a replacement system for the lawful government of the United States.

PPBS has gone on to become known by other names: mastery learning, outcome-based education (aka performance-based, competency-based . . . education, . . . aka education reform), performance-based budgeting, total quality management, continuous quality improvement . . . all built on the same framework of systems thinking or systems theory.  This massive system, built in a wholistic web encompassing and controlling all facets of the life of the populace, is based on data feedback – the establishment of massive computer systems holding personally identifiable information on every man, woman and child in Washington State and the United States.  That system is being built as this is written.

It is the same system described by the two men in China in 1949.  It is easy to oppose communism in name, it is not so easy to know what the system is, what it looks like, what it does, unless one has studied the semantics of communism and recognizes the component parts.  Performance-based education is a communist system of education that intertwines with all other systems, until no one system can be extricated from the other, until the lines of any one system are so blurred that one cannot discern them.

In his rise to power, Hitler stated that it gave him great pleasure that the people did not know what was happening to them.  The United States saved what remained of the German people following Hitler’s heinous acts in his efforts to establish the perfect system.  Who will save the American people from the same fate?

It is easy to call people opposed to this “system” as “right wing”, “extremist”, “right wing religious fanatics”, make fun of, laugh at, etc, etc, etc, but I have to ask: will those same people feel so smart down the road when they realize they have been used to destroy their own freedom, liberty and justice?  It can’t happen here?  It is happening here — just as it did in Germany with people not realizing what is happening to them.

Lynn M Stuter

7th District

With appreciation to Maureen Heaton for her untiring commitment to our nation and our continued freedom, liberty, and justice.  Special note:  Maureen passed over to the other side in 2000.  She will be sorely missed.

I had to post this, and if you have a blog or an email list especially if you have independents or liberals on your list, Send it to them.

The liberal mind…LMAO

The liberal mind…LMAO

During the Bush years, when libturds gathered to protest under the “ANSWER”  or  “CODE PINK”  or “Move-on.org” banners and voiced their anger over George Bush’s policies,  President Bush called it the greatest exhibition of our freedoms.

When AMERICAN citizens get together and challenge DEMOCRAT law makers, and the Obama administration, Obama calls this ” Manufactured anger”  it is organized by the “RICH”  and it is not genuine.

David Axlerod invented “Astro-turfing” his group used to pay homeless people to hold signs so the numbers of people protesting would gain media attention. NOW, however; the tea parties and town hall meetings are all astro-turf… :rotflmao:

I have to laugh,  because I know what’s coming in 2010. Every SOB that votes for Obama care that represents a semi-conservative state (Other than Cali and NY) will be unemployed come 2010 or 2012. The “Blue Dogs” or “House cats” are swinging the vote for Socialism/Gubmint Health Care, better be very careful how they proceed after their vacation. IF they listen to the libturd leaders like Pelosi, Reid and Obama, they will lose their job. BELIEVE IT! The anger is real and it is BI-PARTISAN Anger. The same folks in the town hall meetings are some of the same folks that HELPED Obama get into office…..Buyers remorse setting in and I’m loving it!

The voters are getting ready to send a very loud message to their respective elected officials:

Obamanomics and the road to ruin

Obamanomics and the road to ruin

So Mr Obama has decided to gamble with the lives of innocent people to please his far left base. I hope the recent release of Gitmo detainees to Bermuda makes Code Pink and the left side of the aisle happy. Personally, I suggest we charge Obama with murder for any death related to any GITMO detainee released. So far we can attribute at least 1 count of attempted murder to a few that have been released, if not actual murder of American Soldiers. I would bet that Obama couldn’t really care less about American soldiers, he’s showed his cards when his fellow Muslim shot two of them on American soil.

Our President is so out of touch with reality it’s scary.

This brings me to another fine example of Obamanomics.

We have been responsible people, we have credit cards, and used them wisely, we have paid our bills on time, and our credit is excellent. We get a notice the other day that our BofA card is raising the rate to 21% on our existing balance…Mmmm sounds like typical punish the good folks to pay for the worthless fucks that are not paying….SO my solution is simple. I’m paying off the card post haste, and I’m pulling all of my accounts from them, there will be no more dealings with Bank of Obama. We have been with them for over 20 years, we have many accounts with them and we will be transfering everything to a credit union or local bank

Eventually America will wake and see this nightmare of Obama and when that happens, it will make Iranian elections seem tame by comparison!

Speaking of world issues:
Obama said he’d open a dialog with our enemies… How’s that working out for you there chief?

Obama apologized to  the world for our actions, and it was accepted and now there is peace on earth… Well unless you live on earth. Obama evidently lives in a parallel universe somewhere.

Iran is cleared to have nukes, North Korea is launching missiles at will, China owns us. Terrorists that have tried to kill Americans are basking in the sun in tropical islands, unemployment rates are the highest since the 20’s, and we are in so much debt that my great grand children will be born with a bill for 30k in their ass. ..

Needless to say Obama is doing exactly what we thought he would. Take us to a form of Government that Chicago is famous for, Corrupt from the top down.

While I realize the tendency is to say “The Repubs weren’t any better” and it is a fact, the Repubs are not in charge. I say remove them all!

Wake the fuck up America you are being taken for a ride and it’s not going to end well.

Happy DAYS!!!

Happy DAYS!!!

Finally the California Court ruled like it should, with the PEOPLE! The ban on Gay marriage has been upheld. They did the usual libtard compromise and allowed those Married in the absence of common sense to remain married.

All I got to say is Way to Go Mrs California, and Perez “Flaming butt pirate” Hilton GFY!