Tag: Liberal race baiter

Tavis Smiley is an IDIOT

Tavis Smiley is an IDIOT

Okay, this has got to be the dumbest statement since Rosie O’fatass said Christians were as dangerous as Islamic Radicals. I found this surfing around the interwebs and it pretty much pissed me off. Don’t know why I let idiots like this bother or surprise me anymore. The mere fact that they exist is a pathetic reminder of our education systems failures.

So Columbine was a “Christian” act? Did any witnesses hear the gunmen hollering “GOD IS GREAT” while they were shooting? This particular moron should keep his mouth shut about things he knows nothing about. He says he’s a Christian, he is not. He’s a race baiting lying piece of shit that is sucking air that would be better used by someone with half a brain.