Tag: Liberal morons blaming rightwing for failures of Obama

Liberal hypocrisy…The hell you say!

Liberal hypocrisy…The hell you say!

I’ve been perusing various websites the last couple of days and I even put on a hazmat suit and jumped into the swamp. The swamp being places like the KOSacks, and HUFFingPaint…

Once I deloused, and sanitized my eyes with bleach, I began laughing so hard the wife had to come in and smack me on the back to get me to start breathing again.

What caused the uncontrollable laughter? Good question…

I found that Obama’s failing according to “Obamabots” is directly the result of the right wingers refusal to go along with his plans. :rotfl:

I also read a couple of long winded articles railing against the “Unfair” criticism of Obama from Rightwingers….Seriously I can’t make this shit up.

So liberpukes, KOsacks and PaintHUFFERS…..When GWB was in office, you idiots bashed his every move, you clowns called him hitler, you idiots went on a BASH BUSH campaign that lasted the entire time he was in office EVEN THOUGH, the first 5 years produced RESULTS in the economy at least…You clowns got your idiots in power (For the last 4 years might I add) by bashing the CIC….Shoe, meet other foot…

The only difference between then and now is, WE HAVE A MUCH BROADER TARGET RANGE! Your idiot is making it so easy a cave man can do it!

I’d like to thank those of you on the left for allowing us the target rich environment that is the Obama administration. Oh and wait till November, it only gets better for US from there.

One thing you morons on the liberpuke side of the aisle fail to realize is:

IF Obama’s policies would have garnered RESULTS,  We adults would have heaped praise on the man. IF his apology tour would have created world peace (It made things worse) we would have took notice. IF his stimulus package would have done as promised, WE Would have little to complain about. IF his economic plan of taxing the rich to high heaven would have created jobs (MOST FOLKS KNEW IT WOULD PRODUCE THE OPPOSITE RESULT) we would have praised him for his vision. IF his Muslim outreach program would have reduced the threat of MUSLIM EXTREMISM, we would have reacted favorably.IF Obama’s/Pelosi’s and Reid’s arm twisting, bribery laden, fraud known as OBAMACARE, had a half of chance of NOT KILLING Jobs and creating a UTOPIAN healthcare program, we would have been on board….BUT;

In every instance and a few more, Obama has FAILED, he has taken this nation on a path that leads to destruction and it’s ALL YOUR FAULT! So you have little recourse but to blame the RIGHT. I understand…

Seek counseling and try to wake the hell up.