Tag: Liberal douchebag

Nancy Pelosi Speaks. Or..Token White Chick spits it old school

Nancy Pelosi Speaks. Or..Token White Chick spits it old school

Pelosi: 100% Barack’s Gonna Win

Predicting pols

There are only 15 days left until Election Day, which means that pundits and pols will be busy predicting who will win come November 7.

We caught up with Speaker Nancy Pelosi at Georgetown’s Café Milano Friday night and she didn’t pull any punches.

“100% Barack Obama is going to win!” she told Yeas & Nays. “He’s going to be our next president and a great president at that. We’re all excited to work him.”

But that’s not what Rudy Giuliani thinks. We found him palling around with Yogi Berra at the Washington Hilton Saturday night and he’s still got his money on John McCain.

“He’s going to do great,” the Hizzoner told us. “He’s looking strong for November 7.”

But conservative pollster Frank Luntz — begrudgingly — thinks Pelosi’s correct. On Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, Luntz said, “I believe Barack Obama is going to be the next president of the United States. … John McCain cannot communicate. Stevie Wonder reads a teleprompter better than John McCain.”

I believe the most worthless congress EVER in the history of our nation lead by Nancy Pelosi is about to be even more worthless. (If you don’t think it’s possible you are living on Mars)

We are on the verge of a landslide change in the power of Congress both HOUSES! We are going to see a filibuster proof congress for the first time in recent memory.
Let me tell you a little story.
I had a person come to my door yesterday stumping for an assemblyman up for election. That was not the unusual part, the unusual part is I asked her, “Is the guy a Democrat or Republican”, she says, “he’s an Independent Democrat”… She say’s “he had to run as a Democrat or he wouldn’t get elected”….Mmm Think about that will you?

Politicians will run under whatever banner would get them elected? Is Politics that lucrative? After hearing the answer from the “Stumper” I decided to find out about the candidate, and YEP he is a LAWYER.
This brings me to my point.
Democrats are mostly lawyers, as I stated in a previous post, Republicans are Physicians and Businessmen, or Military..
Can anyone tell me what Lawyers do? Do they create? Do they save life? NO they don’t they PREY on the people for the most part, they sue YOU on behalf of another for a price, they are parasites. And for the life of my I can’t understand the willingness of our youth to elect LAWYERS as leaders over Doctors, and Businessmen..

I would like to see Joe the Plumber’s fill in some of the seats, I would like to see Mechanics, Salesmen, Policemen, Firemen and MORE like US be elected to office. I would like a congress that truly represents the people.

Democrats like our Nancy Pelosi, the most liberal nutbag ever placed in a position of power has led our nation into recession for purely political gain, Obama has tried to keep our troops in Iraq for purely political gain… There is NO country in these LAWYERS mind it is only POWER. 
Get ready for this:

Abortion as birth control, You will be able to go out have sex get an abortion and be back at the bar before noon the next day.

Gay Marriage will be acceptable across the country, and soon churches will HAVE to marry same sex couples or face loss of tax exempt status.

Gun Bans, Hand guns, Rifles, and Ammo there will be limits on everything except the criminal element.

Taxes: More of them than at any time in our history

Recession/Depression More people will be out of jobs by 2010 than the 20’s and 30’s

These are predictions based on what the current congress has done in the last 2 years, oh and the fact that we will have NEW SCOTUS appointments that will be Nancy Pelosi type LAWYERS….
Good Bye to the United States of America.
Hello to the Socialist Republik of AMERIKA.