Tag: Let it burn

The official “Egyptian Riot” A&P Response

The official “Egyptian Riot” A&P Response

Screw em.

We have been shedding American blood across the middle east for decades. We have been dumping money in that crap hole since WW2, and we have got little for it. We say we get “Cheap oil” which is NOT worth the price paid. If you consider American lives cheap then I guess it’s okay… I do not.

The middle east needs to explode, they need to take their own lives in their hands and rise up. IF they feel oppressed (SHOCKING? I know, an Islamic rich environment oppressive? the hell you say) Then they must break free, they must shed their own blood to make a change. Our forefathers did it, every FREE nation on earth had to go through civil strife to attain it. That’s what makes freedom so precious. It’s EARNED.

IF the Muslim Brotherhood takes over Egypt and that’s what the people of that nation want, so be it. Then it will be the right of Israel to defend itself by whatever means necessary. I got my money on Israel.

I’m sick of hearing “We need to do this or that” I’m sick of hearing the Egyptians telling us what we need to do… We don’t need to do SHIT!

Obama has few options anyway. His Secretary of State is a female, females aren’t really taken serious in the Islamic world in matters of professional affairs. They placate her, they act respectful because WE dump a lot of money in their nation. IF the USA did anything even resembling force, it would engulf the area in fire. Obama is in a great position, he should realize it’s the one time nobody expects him to do anything just speak… He’s good at that.

Let the Egyptians settle this thing, if they decide after it’s over that the US will be an enemy… Fine. IF they are friendly with the US, fine too…

As far as I’m concerned as the song goes “Let the Muthafkr burn”