Tag: Islamic rage

Burning the Koran… Whoo Hoo..

Burning the Koran… Whoo Hoo..

Since the blame the Islamic rage (The recent one, not the one before that or before that or before that etc) is falling on the pastor in Florida. I’d like to suggest the pastor burn the koran every Sunday until there are no more Islamic nutbags left, eventually they will kill each other off.

I think it’s a good idea if we help the man too, I’d hate for his congregation to have to foot the bill for all those fire starters so lets start a “Donate a Koran” to the pastor in Florida. But there’s a catch, we don’t want to line the pockets of some Islamic business owner who gives money to CAIR or Hamas (redundancy) so we must be careful. Only buy used Korans from used book stores or from large book stores owned by Americans.

How difficult can it be? I think in the near future Korans should only be sold next to those fire logs in stores…

I’ll be happy to send Pastor Jones a couple books to burn, all I ask is that he makes a video of the flames covering the book. WOW I am a neanderthal huh?

Yep, I am sick and tired of a group of Islamic nutjobs dictating to the world what will or will not be tolerated. Who in the hell do they think they are? We are supposed to walk on egg shells in order not to offend them I guess. Well to that I say Foxtrot Yankee.

Does anyone see the ridiculous situation we are in and how we got here? It started way back when we decided that we need to be politically correct and not use certain words, not say certain things and not do things that offend “WHOEVER” it started with one group and it spread. In America now you can be sued for offending someone, in the Middle East you can be killed.

The world as a whole has become so “PC” that any cause of the day is measured by how much they were “Offended.” Someone insulted me,  someone insulted my beliefs, someone offended me and I want retribution… What a crock. You need to man up.

Islamic idiots see the burning of the Koran as offensive? I say burn more of them. There needs to be consequences for their actions as well as the actions of the “burner.” I would have berated the Pastor for burning the book had the usual Islamic rage machine acted like adults.. But since they acted like little babies I find myself rooting for the Pastor.

Just like the “Gay” crowd is offended at the drop of a hat and protests and screams about unfairness and disrupts OTHER PEOPLES lives because of their CHOICE. I find myself leaning further toward the ANTI-GAY crowd, whoever leads it.

Yep I sure as hell did, I just used Islam and Gay’s as the same type of issue… HAhahaha… Deal with it. They act the same well except one has a thing for goats and the other a thing for rears….You figure out which is which…