Tag: Iran sees weakness

Iran is Sabre Rattling… Again.

Iran is Sabre Rattling… Again.

Now let’s get this straight. Iran who is only trying to get nukes to deter Israel and the US from attacking them (Ron Paul) has ventured out into the straight of Hormuz for “Exercises”… Um yeah, that’s good.

Iran to test-fire missiles in key oil waterway

Tehran said it will test-fire missiles in the Strait of Hormuz on Saturday, a move likely to stoke tensions with Washington already running high over Iran’s threats to close the strategic oil waterway if sanctions are enforced.

“Shorter- and longer-range, ground-to-sea, surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles will be tested on Saturday,” the ISNA news agency quoted Iran’s navy spokesman, Commodore Mahmoud Mousavi, as saying on Friday.

I’m not sure this is a good thing for Obama. Especially since Obama was extending friendship with Iran (2008 campaign) Hows that working out? Also to put a little context into this entire situation. Here’s a map of the area:

You see Iraq up at the left corner, Kuwait next to it, Saudi Arabia… Now do you see a potential problem with it? I’m not spelling it out for you RON PAUL fans, but if this thing goes sideways, 2012 is going to be a disaster. Now also remember you are dealing with people you can threaten with “MAD” Mutual Assured Destruction. These people strap bombs to their kids and send them into cafe’s for Allah… Mutual Assured Destruction only works with CIVILIZED people.

Iran could close the straight at it’s narrowest point pretty easily. Fact is  Iran can sink a couple tankers at it’s narrowest point and it’s shut down for a very long time. Leaving the area as some would suggest would be a disaster equally or worse than us staying there. It’s a rock and hard place for sure, but this is the hand we’re dealt going into the 2012 election.

Who will handle this the best?

Ron Paul- It’s our fault, we need to leave them alone and get Israel out of there.

Bachmann– Bomb em

Huntsman– Negotiate

Newt– Negotiate then Bomb them

Romney– First we need to understand the problem then Bomb them

Santorum– Pray for them then bomb them

Obama- What’s the straight of Hormuz?  is it a state?  FORE!

We are so FU**ED

Fact is this has all been brought to you buy an extremely weak foreign policy. A policy that pisses on our friends and celebrates our enemy’s. Egypt was tossed under the bus and just wait that’s not over by a long shot.  Did anyone think for a minute that Iran would just march into Iraq as we were leaving? I didn’t think they’d do it like that. First you must secure the area. The straight of Hormuz is a good start. They have nothing but time. They are setting their chess pieces while we are engaged in picking leadership. Iran would LOVE a Ron Paul to be POTUS and there’s a chance it could happen and Iran is setting up for it.

Very rarely does a country go into another country without some serious strategic goals being met. This particular “Naval Exercise” and subsequent “Threats” are all part of the set up. Take it lightly or take it serious is the choice we must make. I side with those who take it serious and would stand against any movement Iran makes until they decide to move to the 21st century.

Hiding our heads in the sand is rapidly becoming a NON-OPTION.