Tag: Illegal is the CORRECT word. Do not let them take ILLEGAL away

The Word “Illegal” is now a Racist word?

The Word “Illegal” is now a Racist word?

I’m not a big fan of Bill O’Riley. He’s a bit too pompous for my liking. He’s a polished “republican” and personally they are about as bad as the current liberals.

Check this out:

Now since this stupid walking progressive billboard went on O’riley’s show and was completely destroyed I really can’t add much to it. But I will try…

The stupid woman who Can’t Understand Normal Thinking showed her true colors. She fumbled and fizzled on her “Prepared” talking points and kept trying to go back to them “FOX NEWS LATINO Agrees with us?” IF that’s the case, DUMP FOX for being the dumbest bunch of media hacks this side of MSNBC.

These morons are about to make any word that makes sense ILLEGAL so they can win an argument. Think about it. How do you win an argument with a progressive? Use facts, stick to your guns, take the emotion out of their hands. The OPEN BORDER CROWD needs to remove the word ILLEGAL because it’s FACTUAL. It’s THE ONE THING THAT TIES IT ALL TOGETHER AND THEY CAN’T ARGUE IT! So rewrite the language, rewrite the text books, label it something else.. Communists are now “Progressives” Liberals are “Progressive” Change the label to win the argument to hell with the outcome or the damage done to the nation.

Note to dumb illegal POS who appeared on Bill O’Riley. ILLEGAL IS THE LABEL for the INVADING FORCE who has sucked the money and blood out of our economy and our education system. ILLEGAL is a better term than what I call them rotten bastards but that’s a topic for another day.

Just for you bitch. Illegal,Illegal,Illegal,Illegal,Illegal,Illegal,Illegal.