Tag: Idiots in Hollywood

Celebrity Opinions…

Celebrity Opinions…

You know, I’ve about had it with the idiots in hollywood using their status as “Celebrity’s” to opine about politics.. Take Ashley Judd for instance..Please take her and dump her skanky ass in a vat of boiling water…

Then there’s Chris Rock and the entire “Black” liberal crowd.. Not a worthwhile self thinking man or woman among them. But there are PLENTY OF RACISTS AMONG THEM!

Fact is, IF Obama were outwardly WHITE rather than Outwardly BLACK, over HALF of these so called “Tolerant” black folks in Hollywood wouldn’t care less about Obama. They wouldn’t have made half the effort in getting his worthless ass re-elected as they did for their “Brother.” Call it racist of me to point that out? I’m sure you will, but its a damn fact.

Then the other side of the coin is those Hollywood elite’s who opine that I agree with. Take Bruce Willis. While I agree with him, I’m consistent. I don’t like it.

Rob Lowe said it best. Look it up. I’m not linking to anything today.

As far as I’m concerned, if you are getting your moral character and life lessons from celebrities you should be shot out of a cannon into a block wall. You’re too stupid to breed and far too stupid to be sucking up oxygen on this planet.

We’re at a cross roads here folks. Us people, who are old enough to remember the days when your word meant something and your actions backed them up are about outnumbered. We are being systematically replaced by liars, thieves and con-artists. We’re being told WE are the problem and celebrities are helping carry that message.

Be warned America, the path we are on only leads to destruction. There’s no utopia after the fall. There is no camp fire, there is no unicorns and there is no golden rainbow that will show up from policies Obama and his minions create. Only death and destruction of a once great nation come from this path.

History is a great teacher, perhaps you should shut up long enough to learn it.