Tag: Honor 9-11

9-11-2001 Remembered.

9-11-2001 Remembered.

On 9-11, I Remember.

I remember 9-11-2001, I had just gotten off work.

I remember getting home and hugging the wife good morning.

I remember petting my dogs.

I remember eating breakfast.

I remember crawling into bed since I had just worked a 12 hour shift.

I remember the wife coming into the room with tears in her eyes.

I remember her telling me a plane hit the World Trade Center.

I remember getting up out of bed, grabbing a pair of shorts and a T’shirt.

I remember running down the hall to get to the TV.

I remember sitting on the couch and watching the second plane hit the tower.

I remember seeing the people running from the ash cloud.

I remember the scene as vividly as if it was happening now.

I remember my wife and I praying for the victims.

I remember stepping away from my wife and going to the back yard.

I remember praying for the people who did this to go to hell.

I remember telling my wife that the Muslims did it.

I remember her telling me not to jump to conclusions.

I remember the anger that consumed me that day.

I remember the anguish and anger our nation felt that day.

I remember being glued to the TV and the internet to get the news.

I remember the video of celebrations in Muslim Countries.

I remember the words of our allies and their condolences

I remember the words from the people that did it.

I remember thanking GOD George Bush was President and not Al Gore.

I remember the days after 9-11 going by very slowly.

I remember the unity of this nation during the time following 9-11-2001

9 years later, it seems as a nation we have forgotten.

I will never forget who did this, I will never forget the religion responsible for this. I will never trust the religion that created this disaster and I will forever speak out against the Islamic Faith, You can call me whatever name you like, I could care less..

Today is a day of remembrance. I remember. I hold in my heart the same hate and disgust for the Islamic cult as I had on 9-12-01. The reason I hold that hate is because very little has changed. After 9 years of war in two countries, America and Israel are still as much of a target as we were on 9-10-01.

Today is a day of remembrance. I remember the innocent lives lost due to the belief of Allah. I remember the innocent children that lost fathers and mothers that day. I remember the words of those that committed this act of war and I remember the reason they gave. The reason they gave was peppered with religious passages from their holy book and it taught me all I needed to know about Islam.

After 9 years and an additional 5,000 Americans dead, thousands more wounded and up to 1 million or so Muslim cultists dead, we have not seen a decrease in Islamic violence in the world. All we are doing is keeping pace.

If you have some time and really want to see what happened on 9-11-01, take an hour and watch this:

After 9 years the strategy of appeasement has not worked. After 9 years the Islamic cult is just as violent as they were in the year 1999. What’s the next step?