Tag: Government is shutting down communication on 11-9-11

Communication BLACKOUT Date Set for 11-9-11

Communication BLACKOUT Date Set for 11-9-11

Does anyone else see some oddities here?

November 9th’s USA Nationwide Communication Blackout 

It is more than passing strange that the Feds will cut off all TV and radio broadcasts at 2 p.m. EST on November 9.

In its wisdom, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a Public Notice on June 9, 2011 (PDF) that its first ever nationwide diagnostic test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) would occur on November 9.

Reasons sketched out by FCC for the Nov. 9 test date include not wanting to test in the traditional hurricane season and to complete the task before severe winter storm set in.  The 2 p.m. test time will minimize disruption during rush hours while ensuring the test occurs during working hours.

First and foremost the date: 11-9, little “9-11ish” for me…

Second, the power to disrupt communication between citizens can be a useful tool for tyrants. If it wasn’t for communication abilities, Egypt, Libya and Syria wouldn’t be in such turmoil. But in the eyes of someone like Barack Obama, those are PERFECT reasons to have that ability. America is PISSED the Fk OFF. IF Obama gets 4 more years, there’s a better than 50% chance of a violent uprising HERE.

Do you know WHO had communication blocking abilities? IRAN. So What does that tell you?

The other notable thing about this issue is: IF Obama loses in 2012, the “Ability” to halt internal communication of America’s citizens might be used against Obama’s cronies… Wouldn’t that be huckin filarious?

Suggestion for all my buddies: Get some 2 way’s with long distance capabilities. Make sure your family keeps them in their cars and fully charged. Communication is a necessary tool in the event of disasters. Obama is about the biggest disaster our country has ever had to deal with. Be prepared.