Tag: Go Israel

Leadership in Israel.

Leadership in Israel.

Anyone notice the glaring difference between leaders? The leader of Israel loves his nation. The leader of America loathes the nation that elected him.

Terrorist attack on American soil, Obama makes excuses for the act. “Workplace violence” Ft Hood. “Youtube video” Benghazi “Radical views” Boston.

Terrorist attacks against Israel, Terrorists, Enemy. NO EXCUSES.

I PRAY to GOD ALMIGHTY that Israel doesn’t stop this action in Gaza until they get a complete surrender of Hamas. Anything else will just ensure we repeat this conflict at a later date. Within 2 years we’ll be doing this dance again. If Israel really wants to be free of this terrorist menace, let the rubble bounce.

Israel can do everything humanly possible to avoid civilian casualties and they’ll still be blamed for the conflict. So in my opinion, why try to avoid it anymore? If the media and lefty’s of the world body refuse to see the truth, make their “Belief” TRUE and show them what it really looks like. Level about 2 square miles of GAZA, bounce the rubble two or three times and ask the question.. “Do you want more?” Silence is equal to YES. And do it again. This will end the conflict with far more long term peace than this UN/John Kerry/Obama cease fire part 15…

You cannot win a war when your soldiers being killed are a victory for the enemy, when you kill the enemy, its a victory for the enemy, when civilians are killed its a victory for the enemy. So you must eliminate the enemy in a speedy fashion, collateral damage be damned.

Bounce the rubble until they cry uncle.