Tag: Farrah Fawcett Died today too

Michael Jackson dead?

Michael Jackson dead?

I’m sure somewhere a bunch of little boys just went-” Whew!!!!”

Rest in Peace Michael Jackson… I really can’t say I’m sad, more indifferent than anything. Michael Jackson stopped being relevant in the 80’s since then he’s just been a freak. All of his family members and leeches never helped the man, they enabled him to be the laughing stock of the nation. Maybe now he can get some peace.

Unfortunately, I wonder what the good Lord will say on his arrival “Dude, You were a BLACK guy, WTF?”

Oh well lets not “BEAT IT” to death….

Farrah Fawcett also passed today, She leaves a very clean legacy by contrast, and I for one will never forget her posters or her role in “Charlie’s Angels” She was an icon in her time, and a fighter. She did everything right as far as health, she may have been a little left of center but she surely was no nutbag entertainer. I will miss her WAY more than the Pedophile that is occupying top billing in the media.

Rest in peace Farrah Fawcett.