Tag: Emancipation part 2

Emancipation part 2..A great read…

Emancipation part 2..A great read…

Found this at “The Blacksphere” and I must say Kevin Jackson is one of my favorites.

Emancipation ||- This time Even White folks get Freed

During the times of slavery, a slave owner could free his own slaves, but only with permission from the government. The process to free a slave was called manumission.  The laws at the time made it difficult to free a slave, and it was done only under extraordinary circumstances. We live in those same times today.

Manumission allowed a slave to experience freedom, an amazing feeling for somebody who has never had it. The last thing slave-owning Democrats of the time wanted was a bunch of free blacks running around living like free men!

Like whites, freed slaves, called Freedmen enjoyed freedom.  Slave owners recognized that freed slaves were bad for morale of other slaves, because they represented hope; the possibility of changing one’s status.  What people would want to be slaves, if they tasted freedom, even if only vicariously.  Having freedom so dangerously close might make blacks want to leave the plantation.

That is exactly what happened. Freedmen by their mere presence caused other blacks to get the nerve to escape the confines of the plantation. And why not?  The Revolutionary War slogan was “Give me liberty or give me death!” Could slaves not apply that same slogan to their plight, lest whites appear hypocritical?

Nevertheless, white slave owners relished in their hypocrisy.  And besides the obvious human rights violation of slavery, another reason given for limited manumission was the possibility of freed slaves taking jobs from whites!

The rest of this great article is HERE

Now how many will read just what’s on American and Proud and jump to the racist rant? How many will assume some redneck wrote this?….HA.

Kevin Jackson is a man with his head on straight. He’s had to deal with some of the most vile assaults from opposing view idiots. And he keeps right on fightin. IF you ever feel like giving up, take a good look at this man and realize the idiots you deal with daily, are far less aggressive than the ones he deals with. He deals with, racism, he deals with attacks from his own community, he deals with folks that are his brothers and sisters and he’s trying to take their chains off…He gets daily threats, he gets daily verbal abuse from those that should back him. I for one appreciate his guts. Go ahead KJ, tell em.