Tag: Don’t ask don’t tell works

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Leave it ALONE!

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Leave it ALONE!

So the next Obama push will probably be the Gay agenda. Obama doesn’t support Gay marriage (Biden let that cat out of the bag during the election) So in order to pander to the gay community, he’s going to get into the military’s business. That makes sense, since Obama really doesn’t much care for our military, CIA or FBI. (He’s proven that by his first month in office)

So here’s my take on it. Gays are in the military NOW, and things are just fine for the most part. So why the push to allow the gays to be open about it?

Because it’s the next step, just like the entire gay agenda, it’s based on small steps to achieve a goal of open sexuality. Homosexuality is something one “FEELS” it is not what someone “IS” and that is the liberals mentality, FEELINGS….Not data, not facts just Feelings… What will happen is, the openly gay soldier will be ridiculed, bullied and or worse and that will cause more problems, law suits, PCness, and other bullshit for our military, there is a reason don’t ask don’t tell works, it  keeps the OPENLY SEXUALITY FIRST GAY from pushing his/her sexuality in front of honor, duty and country….

The pro-gay lobby loves to show an obscure scientific study that says “Gays are born that way” and since that study, it is a crime to further delve into anything that may prove it’s falsehood. No College would allow such a study at the risk of being labeled “Homophobic” and losing federal funds. Kind of similar to the global warming farce that has been forced on us at a price tag that has yet to be reached.

The Gay supporting feel good’rs are trying to tie the “Civil rights” of gay people to the Black civil rights issue. MOST free thinking people realize that is a farce.  Your sexual preference is one SMALL part of who you are, the PRO-GAY crowd wants that part to be the defining label for them and that is the real problem. IF you want to be gay, be gay.. be as gay as you want to be in your own home or with consenting adults I could care less, but if you are serving in the military, don’t ask don’t tell works and we should leave it alone.