Tag: Dictator in Chief

Race and the Dictator in Chief.

Race and the Dictator in Chief.

Well our Racist in Chief is at Martha’s vinyard for a little R&R…Much needed I might add. Destroying a nation is hard work. Making everything about race is hard work, Going around congress to enact laws you want is hard work, going around congress and not prosecuting laws you don’t like is hard work, campaigning 24/7 is hard work, keeping up with your hypocrisy and lies is hard work…

Found at Nice Deb

Yes those are acts of a dictator…

Then you have the racial tension that’s happening across our nation.

Barack Obama is the head racist. He and his D.O.J are at the trigger for racial payback… They are deliberately turning a blind eye to justice in the name of race unless it involves WHITE folks, Rich Folks, Conservatives, Republicans of any race…. So the nation is following suit.

Did anyone notice how MSNBC picked up Al $harpton only after it was pointed out that THEY had NO BLACK NEWS FOLKS… After years of calling Fox racist, they were in fact one of the only news organizations that didn’t have BLACKS in their payroll. Funny how they picked the number 1 racist in the nation for that job.

Did anyone notice the unemployment in the so-called minority communities? I didn’t because unemployment is high everywhere. But it’s important to point out WHO THE VICTIMS are in this day and time.. You must be the biggest victim so uber liberals can feel sorry for you and make dumbass accusations so you come off as “NOT RACIST”… Um, note to all of you, you are enablers and the biggest racists on the planet.

The black community is the recipient of BILLIONS of dollars every year to “Help them” or is it? Those Billions are to keep them secured in their cages by the Democrat party. Those of us who believe a person is responsible for their own lives see the enablers for what they are. Back in the days of racial strife slavery, up until lets say for the sake of argument the 80’s, there were racist elements all over and one couldn’t say in fact that racism was dead… NOW?

Since then we’ve had black leaders from POTUS down in high power positions.That’s not enough to say that racism is dead I guess. Exactly what will it take to put racism out of the equation in politics and otherwise? I guess when “Whitey is dead” then racism won’t be the charge.

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