Tag: Democrats

Tomorrow’s State of the Union Address.

Tomorrow’s State of the Union Address.

Obama will focus on Jobs in his speech…. Um, yeah same thing he’s done every time he speaks, but the actions don’t match the written word. You can speak about how great you are and how you are christian, or how you were born here or whatever, but until some action is seen your words are uselss.

I’ve also heard that congress will be sitting next to each other rather than split by party. For me this is totally ridiculous. This all came about because of the shooting in Tuscon. Media and liberal elitists two minutes after the shooting blamed “Heated Rhetoric” for the shooting. Sitting side by side with the very same people that made that claim lends credibility to that claim. So unless you are going to sit with your party’s opposition so when they stand up to applause you can yank their ass back in their seat, keep your dumbass on YOUR SIDE OF THE AISLE.

There is a reason the party’s are separated, it’s called checks and balances. IF you are all going to sit together and sing happy songs, then one of you are unnecessary.

We on the “Extreme Right”  AKA “Unapologetic, truthful, unafraid AMERICANS” have become disenfranchised with the idiots in Congress. We have pretty much determined that the two parties are too closely matched. Which makes a lot of sense when you look at where we are now. NO CHECKS, NO BALANCES.

IF the R’s and D’s sit together in the SOTU address, I personally will consider it slap in the face of our founders. And I hope the D’s use this in their campaigns for 2012. And they will.

This sitting together shit is an admission of guilt by the Republicans, the democrats were not accused of “hate rhetoric” remember? It was the RIGHT SIDE of the aisle. And you will help them make their case by sitting next to the children of the corn….

Rant over.

Democrats: “Don’t repeal Obamacare, Create jobs.”

Democrats: “Don’t repeal Obamacare, Create jobs.”

WOW, I heard that on the news today and couldn’t contain the laughter. Harry Reid actually said it…. Umm, lets see:
Democrats have had majorities in the House, Senate and they own the big chair in DC… Unemployment was at 9% (Roughly) before the Obamacare debates took place. They spent over a year on this backroom crafted, job killing, bribery laden debacle and NOW they want to create jobs? Unemployment has been growing, it’s now at 9.4 (Adjusted) the actual percentage is closer to 15% But NOW they want to work on jobs? :rotfl: Even Tingles is going to have tough time with this one…

Repeal this bill and start over. Just the mere mention of this bill being dropped is going to have a big impact on the unemployment number. The bill gets tossed, and the unemployment rate may actually get to that 8.6% we were promised…

Typical Democrats, have the power to do something DON’T, then point the finger of blame…. How come people don’t see the adults in the room are NOT the Democrats?

Schwarzenegger leaves Cali a mess…

Schwarzenegger leaves Cali a mess…

He was ushered in to the Governors chair as our savior, he took over for Gray Davis who was a miserable leader. Gray Davis was a tax and spend liberal with a fully liberal/Progressive controlled legislature. Californian’s thought Arnie would save us and rung their hands after the hand over of power.

Schwarzenegger leaves mixed legacy in California

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Arnold Schwarzenegger
landed in the governor’s office after announcing his upstart bid on late night TV and railing against government spending during raucous campaign rallies — at one playing a spirited round of air guitar to the rock anthem “We’re Not Gonna Take It.”

Then the world’s best known action star, Schwarzenegger conveyed an image of invincibility, persuading Californians that anything was possible if only they had the right mindset.

“I know how to sell something,” he said then.

As he would come to learn, selling a political idea is one thing. Delivering on it is quite another.

In high Hollywood style, Schwarzenegger made bold commitments to cut through Sacramento’s dysfunctional political system and put the state on a path to prosperity. But his celebrity quickly ran aground on the shoals of bureaucracy, entrenched politics and something Schwarzenegger had never faced before — angry detractors who didn’t hesitate to attack him publicly.

After initially deriding nurses as “special interests” whose “butts” he was always kicking, he was brought down to earth by the nurses union, teachers and other public employee groups, which staged protests and helped derail his “year of reform” agenda during a special election in 2005.

His outsize personality wasn’t enough to see through many of his dreams and promises, especially once the recession hit in late 2007 and led to a steep decline in tax revenue.

Read more:

I was one of those that supported Arnie, he made great speeches, he spoke like a conservative and he had a plan. HOWEVER; We thought he could do this by himself evidently. He tried in vain to change things in this state, he fought for a lot of stuff early on that I agreed with, but he was roundly defeated in the legislature…. So Arnie tried to compromise, do you see where I’m going with this?

Arnold started the age old compromise tactics of give and take. He gave and gave and he got a few minor things that really didn’t help our states plight. But he did manage to COMPROMISE and make both sides of the aisle equally disappointed. And nothing got done to help the states issues.

So Arnie leaves the state at best No CHANGE, at worse- FAR WORSE than when he went in. His legacy is one of capitulation and inaction. He is not going to be known as the savior he will be the benchmark for Republican leadership in this state and it’s a very low bar. Arnie’s actions cost Meg Whitman her chance. The best political ad in the 2010 election here was one that showed all of Arnie’s speeches and Meg’s side by side, they were the same. Very powerful ad and it absolutely killed any chance of Meg being Governor.

As far as I’m concerned this state can fall off into the pacific or become part of Mexico, the state has been progressive to the point of abysmal failure already. In order to get this state to functioning democracy again, it will take a natural or man made disaster of galactic proportions.

Compromise is not good when you are dealing with the progressive mind.

So what has become of California under the leadership of Arnie and his COMPROMISING Demorats?…Let us look at the number one reason for California’s unemployment rate.

Everything revolves around unemployment. Jobs equal revenue, no jobs no revenue simple economics… Who will save this state? I’m not betting on Brown.

Tax bill facing trouble in the house…

Tax bill facing trouble in the house…

I hope it crumbles like Lindsey Lohan at Los Angeles Rave…

This is pretty interesting. HT to A Trainwreck in Maxwell

The United States Constitution Article One- Section Seven:

All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

Did this so-called compromise originate in the senate? Is it not “Raising Revenue” Are the elitists in the senate running over the constitution again in order to stick it to the American people? These questions need to be answered by the REPUBLICANS.

Class War part 2

Class War part 2

To go along with my previous post I thought I’d bring in the big guns:

From today on Neil Cavuto:

How ya like me now? Well said Mr Ramsey.

Hypocrisy on the left… AGAIN!

Hypocrisy on the left… AGAIN!

Funny thing about the liberals, they don’t see the humor in this at all:

F*&K the President

The frustration with President Barack Obama over his tax cut compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting.

One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker.

“It wasn’t loud,” the Nevada Democrat said. “It was just expressing frustration from a very frustrated Member.”

When the senator from South Carolina CORRECTLY yelled “You lie” at the POTUS in the State of the Union address, the liberals went NUTS calling him everything from racist to anti-American. But saying “Fu*K the President is just frustration? Wha? :rotfl:

Man I tell you if this wasn’t real it would make for one hilarious sit-com. Our liberal elites that have convinced themselves that keeping the poor, poor is good for the nation, have also convinced themselves that keeping the tax rates the same during a major recession is a bad idea. They believe giving more money to poor and paying people not to work is a better idea than making the business environment more conducive to hiring those out of work…. BIZARRE.

In a liberals mind the more unemployed the more votes they will get in the next election. The more welfare money that is shoveled into the poor areas will result in more votes. I think that time has passed. I think the narrative has switched.

Think of it like this: The liberal argument that “Trickle down economics is a failure and it’s proven now” is the same argument about the liberal federal funding of their special projects “Giving people money to not work is a failure”

IF I was elected and sitting in the senate I would not vote for this tax cut “Compromise” Unless as I stated in the below post, it was gamesmanship. I would vote to not give Obama a damn thing. I would vote to let the tax cuts expire. I would vote to not do a damn thing until the next congress session. Then I would work for a solution and that would include retroactive tax breaks.

Truthfully I am enjoying to no end the liberpuke head explosions that are occurring across the nation.

Note to Sarah Palin, you are now free to take a vacation we have Obama now.

An Open letter to Democrats…

An Open letter to Democrats…

To Democrats of the United States of America;

I thought I’d offer a fig leaf of sorts to you.

I’d like to start this letter off by saying SORRY. I feel your pain. Your party has been hijacked for the most part, though I do realize it’s largely your own fault. I’ve been trying to look at the country’s issues with an open mind, and I have seen a couple of things that you may not have seen. I understand that problem as good as anyone because I was a George Bush supporter. Nuff said.

What I’d like you Democrats to look at is the groups around you. You can tell a lot about the state of your party by the supporters of your party. Your eyes will be open only when you differentiate between those supporters and your enemies. You must decide for yourself the path you choose. I am just going to shed a little light on the votes your party receives.

IF you look closely to the supporting cast of your party NOW vs the supporting cast of Democrats during JFK’s days. You will notice a huge difference, JFK actively defended America against Communists and Socialists. JFK was an American first, he believed in this country and he believed this was the best place on earth. And he fought to keep it that way.

Can you say the same thing about the current President? Can you say the same thing about the Leaders of your party?

Now, before I provide you with a short list of your party’s supporters, I want you to know I am not trying to recruit you to the Republican party. I really have little use for them. The two party system is corrupt from the ground up, but that’s a topic for another time.

Let’s look at the list of CURRENT Democrat Supporters. These are folks that vote Democrat, push the NEW Democrat agenda, and basically fund the Democratic machine. I won’t list all of them, because just like both party’s there are the decent supporters that just get lost in the mix. I want to point out the extreme parts

Freedom Socialist Party

Socialist Labor Party of America

Social Democratic Party (1897-1901)

Communist Party

Now if you look at those four  (there are MANY MANY more) and it doesn’t shake you up a bit, then you are where you should be. You should be a 2010 Democrat. IF it does bother you a bit then perhaps you should consider moving away from that party or fighting to get the party back to where it was.

We “former” Republicans have begun that fight with the tea party. Yes, there was some Democrat collateral damage. I am truly sorry that some GOOD Democrats lost in the 2010 election. However; They allowed the NEW Democrat party to push them around and manipulate them. A Lesson maybe? We also managed to re-elect some of the same old tired Republicans that got us in the mess we are in. For that I’m truly sorry too.

We need a strong American Democrat party. We need a strong Republican party. We need the sharing of ideas. However; The Democrat party has become the party of the deranged. The Democrat party has become SOCIALISTS at all cost in most things, and Communists in others while being UN-American in all. America is not built to be governed by elitists. America was not founded on the “Live off the backs of others” mentality that is sweeping the nation. America was made great by hard work, integrity, responsibility and honor. These traits are being forced out. The world has lost a great deal and only time will tell HOW great the loss.

You need to see the direction the New Democrats are headed. I want you to look at your leading House Democrat and the area of the nation she represents. Is that the America you want? Would you be happier if the entire nation was a mirror of Nancy Pelosi’s district? Take it a step further, would you be happier if the entire nation was a mirror of Chicago? These are where these NEW Democrat’s hail from and that is what our nation is to become under their leadership.

Please. I ask you to consider opening your eyes.

IF you took the leading Democrats districts and compared it with the leading Republicans district where would you rather live? IF you were to stand side by side with the supporters of each representative who would you be more comfortable with? IF you honestly answer Nancy Pelosi’s supporters then I say goodbye to you and have a nice life. IF you even thought for a minute that John Boehner’s supporters would be a better fit for you then I suggest you fight very hard to switch course of your party or leave it.

These days are trying times for all TRUE Americans, and I hope that the Democrat party will become an American Political Party again. Right now though I fear the Democrat party is being ran as an ANTI-American Party.

We as a nation do much better when we have center/left Democrats and Right Republicans. For far too long we’ve had far Left Democrats, and Center Left Republicans. And it’s not going well at all from Coast to Coast and abroad.

I ask you to think back to the days when we fought about things without calling each other names. I want you to think about the version of America your leaders want and compare them to what you want. IF you still say you are a Democrat and will follow their lead then I bid you farewell. IF you want to fight it and get the party back, I’ll support you.



Finally, Blacks get schooled on the truth…

Finally, Blacks get schooled on the truth…

Get off the plantation ya’ll!

Sure would be nice if 94% of blacks watched this video. You know; the 94% NOT RACIST that vote for democrats because Obama is BLACK and is a democrat… But that’s not racist Noooo Way!

You know what’s funny?

The Latino’s have felt like they are the blacks of old. The oppressed ones, the modern slaves. They have felt that way since the 80’s. Who gave them amnesty? Yep a Republican. Where have they voted ever since? Yep the largest majority have voted Democrat. And have there been any changes to their plight? Nope.

Democrats have been in charge for 4 years they had Clinton for 8 years Nothing…. Bush tried to do something (WRONG but it was something) What has Obama and Co. done other than talk? But lemmings keep following Democrats off the cliff…Keep on jumping idiots.